IDIOMS – Part 18

IDIOMS A hot potato- People talking about a current topic which cannot be agreed upon. Sentence-The…

IDIOMS – Part 17

IDIOMS Out of the blue Meaning-Something that happened unexpectedly               In the red Meaning-To owe money, to…

IDIOMS – Part 16

IDIOMS It drives me up the wall Meaning – it annoys you a lot I hit…


IDIOMS You can’t have your cake and eat it too Meaning-You can’t have everything You can’t…

IDIOMS – Part 14

IDIOMS Waste not, want not Meaning-Don’t waste things and you’ll always have enough We see eye…

IDIOMS – Part 13

IDIOMS processed food: food that has been modified in an undesirable or unhealthy way to achieve…


IDIOMS There’s a method to his madness Meaning-He seems crazy but actually he’s clever There’s no…

IDIOMS – Part 11

IDIOMS The ball is in your court Meaning-It’s your decision The best of both worlds Meaning-An…

IDIOMS – Part 10

IDIOMS Shape up or ship out Meaning- Work better or leave Slow and steady wins the…

IDIOMS – Part – 9

IDIOMS Once bitten, twice shy Meaning- You’re more cautious when you’ve been hurt before Once in…

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