Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Non verbal – not involving or using words

Sentence – Couples who have been married for years usually communicate non-verbally through their hand gestures or other physical actions.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Computerize – To carry out, control, or produce by means of a computer

Sentence – The idea behind computerization of marking attendance, applying for leaves or filing a request to the Human Resource department helps them to make the system more user friendly.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Sender – To convey or cause to be conveyed or transmitted by an agent

Sentence – The sender of the courier must mention his address and phone number on his package to ease the process of communication in case of a failed delivery of the package.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Facial expression  – gesture executed with facial muscles

Sentence – A new mother makes a judgment of her baby’s well beings through the toddler’s facial expressions.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Oral communication –  communication by word of mouth

Sentence –  A manager cannot hire an employee with poor oral communication for a sales and marketing job profile.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Eye contact – The state in which two people are aware of looking directly into one another’s eyes

Sentence – In the workplace, your posture and eye contact can send co-workers a positive or a negative message.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Workplace – a place where people work, such as an office or factory

Sentence – Employees should adhere to workplace ethics to jibe in the environment and work peacefully.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Co worker – an associate that one is employed with

Sentence – An effective co worker can guide you and help you excel in your work.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Ineffective – Not producing an intended consequence

Sentence –  Weak channelization can lead to ineffective communication.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Body language – communication via movements of the body

Sentence –  Non verbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions and body language.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Phone message – a message transmitted by phone

Sentence – Phone message is considered an informal way of communication in a workplace.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Barrier – structure that impedes free movement

Sentence – Barriers in communication can distort or prevent effective communication.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Effective – producing or capable of producing an intended resultS

entence – Students should practice to learn effectively, and not just confine learning

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Team work –  cooperative labor done by a group

Sentence – A successful venture is the result of dedicated, relentless and progressive team work. 

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Spoken word – a word that is spoken aloud

Sentence – It is wise to introspect spoken words for public figures as each word uttered is analyzed by the media.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Face to face – in direct confrontation

Sentence – Face to face conversation gives a better understanding to carry out the task easily.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Activated – rendered operative

Sentence – Activated charcoal is used by beauticians to remove dirt from skin pores.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Confuse – mistake one thing for another

Sentence – Semantic barriers cause confusion in effective communication.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Distract – To draw or direct to a different object or in different directions at the same time

Sentence – It is easy to distract children with digital media in today’s world.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Inattentive – showing lack of awareness and concentration

Sentence – During the second half of the class, students usually become inattentive.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Organize –  to arrange by systematic planning

Sentence – First step to communication is to begin with a clear message that is logical and well organized.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Interfere – get involved so as to alter or hinder an action

Sentence – One must not unnecessarily interfere in someone personal life.

Communication And Personality Vocabulary

Involve – contain as a part

Sentence – Teamwork is a way through which each person gets involved to do the work delegated.


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