Computer Vocabulary IELTS

Computer Vocabulary IELTS
Computer Vocabulary IELTS

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

to access websites/email: to locate

Sentence – With the help of Search engines we can easily access websites or emails

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

to back up files: to make a copy of files in case of a computer problem

Sentence-  Companies have made clouds to keep back up files safe.

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

to boot up: to start a computer

Sentence- Nowadays even a child knows how to boot up the computer.

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

to bookmark a webpage: to mark a webpage for future reference

Sentence- It is convenient to find a web page if we bookmark it.

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

to browse websites: to look at websites

Sentence-  Browsing websites gives us abundance of knowledge.

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

a computer buff: an expert computer user

Sentence- Only a computer buff can survive in this tech savy world.

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

to crash: to suddenly stop working

Sentence- To avoid data loss because of system crash one should take back up

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

to cut and paste: to move text or images from one place in a document to another place

Sentence- Cut and paste option is a blessing.

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

a desktop PC: a computer that isn’t portable and remains in situ on a desk

Sentence- A desktop PC is cheaper than laptop

Computer Vocabulary IELTS

digital editing: to edit digital materials like audio or video files

Sentence- Digital editing is in trend nowadays.

Computer Vocabulary IELTS


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