Crime Vocabulary

Crime Vocabulary

Crime Vocabulary

Crime Vocabulary

Disqualified- to stop somebody from doing something because they have done something wrong.

Sentence- John was found guilty of cheating a client so he is disqualified for 2 months. 

Crime Vocabulary

Enact- to make into law; to put a law into practice.

SentencePeople are hesitating against the enact of new law.

Crime Vocabulary

Comes into play- come into effect; come into action.

Sentence- The law on sentencing came into play.

Crime Vocabulary

Heavily fine –to charge someone a lot of money since he/she has violated a law or regulation.

Sentence- He was heavily fined for rash driving.

Crime Vocabulary

Consequently- as a result; therefore (used to say something that happens because of something else).

Sentence- He was drunk; consequently, he was penalized.

Crime Vocabulary

Legalize- to make something become legal.

Sentence- Many people demand the government to Legalize the sell and purchase of drugs.

Crime Vocabulary

 Solid evidence- very convincing evidence.

Sentence- Some solid evidences can put him in jail for life time.

Crime Vocabulary

Taken into consideration- take a look or take into account or consider.

Sentence- Although, he was found guilty but in the judgment his good behavior throughout his life was taken into consideration

Crime Vocabulary

Confine- restrict/limit.

Sentence- It is cruel to confine animals in a cage.

Crime Vocabulary

Comply with- follow/abide by.

Sentence- He failed to comply with the rules and regulations of the company.

Crime Vocabulary

Describe a new law you would implement where you live to make it a better place.

You should say:

what law it will be

will it be easy to introduce such a new law

if it will be popular

and explain what the benefits of such a new law would be.

I love my home town as it is well organized and most people obey the rules. There is a field which I feel needs more improvement and that is the traffic. As my town is flooded with vehicles by which the accident rate has increased so there is a need of new rules to be implemented to make the traffic smooth. So if I got the opportunity to make a new law I will go for the traffic rules.

In the new law I will take into consideration the areas where the existing law is lacking. Like in the market place heavy vehicles get stuck and become a major reason for jam. So to tackle with these types of problem I will introduce some no entry, no parking and one way zones which will confine the vehicles to enter in rush areas and the driver who will disobey the rules will be heavily fined or his license will be disqualified. Consequently, the traffic jams will decrease and the accident rate will also go down.

It is always difficult to enact a new rule as most people don’t like changes and want to be in their comfort zone. But sometime it is necessary to take concrete steps to improve something so I my new guidelines for vehicles will be a game changer. If I talk about the popularity, in the starting it will only be criticized as when the new rule will comes into play the commuters will have to take long route or have to pay big amount for violating the rules in both the conditions residents will not feel good. But after some weeks when they will get habitual and will witness the solid evidences of decreasing rate of road mishappening they will definitely like them.

The primary benefit of legalizing this lawis that it will reduce the accident rate and it will also help in saving the environment as vehicles will not stuck in jams for long hours and emission of carbon dioxide will lower down.


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