Academic Writing Task 1

The graphs below show information about citizenship in the UK. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Sample Answer:-

The line graph shows the number of immigrants who obtained UK citizenship between 1962 and 2002, and the bar chart gives a breakdown of the number in 1996 and 2002 according to the continents they came from.

In 1962, the number of people who became UK citizens stood at 20 thousand, which almost doubled to slightly less than 40 thousand in 1972. Although the next ten years saw a modest decline, the number increased again to 50 thousand in 1992 and then shot up dramatically to a little below the 120 thousand mark in 2002.

Among the 72 thousand new citizens in the UK in 1996, the vast majority came from Asia (49 thousand). An equal number (9 thousand) came from Europe and from Africa, and the remaining 5 thousand was from other regions including America and Australasia. Six years later, the number of citizens from Asia, Africa and Europe rose, to 58, 25 and 27 thousand respectively, while immigrants from America, Australasia and other regions showed a slight drop to 4 thousand.

In conclusion, a surge in immigration from Europe and Africa to the UK contributed to the rising number of new UK citizens between 1996 and 2002.

General writing Task 1

One of your friends is going to visit your city for a short period. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should:

  • tell him what time of the year is most suitable for sightseeing around the city
  • describe some places that are worth visiting
  • say how to find an inexpensive hotel

Sample Answer:-

Dear Jackie,

I am more than excited to know that you are going to spend your holiday visiting Hoi An Ancient Town- one of the most peaceful towns in Vietnam. I am writing to tell you the most suitable season for touring Hoi An as well as give you a list of main tourist attractions in the town and some useful information about accommodation.

First of all, it would be a great idea to visit Hoi An in spring if you plan to enjoy the best season of the year. Indeed, there are a number of multicultural festivals lasting from early spring until the end of the second month of lunar calendar, so you will have many options to choose from to arrange an ideal timetable for your sightseeing.

As to some must-see attractions, various kinds of ancient houses in Hoi An are undoubtedly the first choice for those who are keen on age-old architectural styles like you. In 1999, Hoi An was designated the UNESCO World Heritage Site, so I hope you will enjoy your time in this very unique living museum of oriental houses and lifestyle. Also, your next destination should be the Museum of Trade Ceramics, which is a lively description of the history of Hoi An. Finally, it is a big mistake of you to come to Hoi

An without visiting the picturesque Japanese Bridge. In spite of its name, the bridge, which was built by Japanese traders in the seventeenth century, carries delicate traits of ancient Vietnamese architecture.

Anyway, before you leave for Hoi An, I suggest you reserve your hotel room in advance via the Internet to save up to 50% of the expense as well as guarantee you a place in festival seasons.

As soon as you have finalised your travel plan, please give me a call and allow me to pick you up at Da Nang Airport.



Writing Task 2 (AC+GT)

The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which the goods are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer:-

In advanced industrial countries as well as in many less developed ones, new consumer products are emerging at an alarming rate to meet the increasingly diverse needs of people from all walks of life. And it seems that this trend of consumerism is fuelled by the widespread advertising in modern societies. In my opinion, both factors are critical to the soaring sales of consumer goods.

On the one hand, with the fast pace of modernisation, people’s physical and spiritual needs are greatly diversified and carefully categorised, which can be witnessed by mushrooming supermarkets, department stores and shopping malls. From kitchenware to gardening implements, from office consumables to household confections, those places exist to provide a splendid array of modern commodities, catering to every particular taste of humans. No wonder that many housewives are so thrilled at the thought of another shopping spree! Moreover, many new businesses have sprouted up in recent decades. For example, the pedicure industry is thriving in Southeast Asia as an effective channel to relieve the stresses and strains of modern life.

On the other hand, the mighty power of advertising is also a contributing factor. Inundated by a succession of seductive images and attractive prices, most consumers find it hard to resist the allure of possessing the advertised products. Following the principle of “3B” (baby, beauty and beast), many advertisers use new-born infants, gorgeous females and domestic animals to stimulate purchasing impulses in the audience – their potential customers though those icons are irrelevant to their products. For instance, although car manufacturers and real estate developers have been criticised for using shapely models in their advertisements, the climbing sales of cars and properties give evidence of their great success, at least in commercial terms.

In conclusion, in the analysis of excessive consumption, it is obvious that people’s real needs and the magnetism of advertising are the two most powerful forces at work. In fact, it is often difficult to distinguish between them because a really fascinating advertisement can actually create new needs in the viewers, who feel compelled to go on a shopping tour!

IELTS Speaking Full interview

PART – 1 Intro Part

What is your full name?
My name is Bhupinder Kumar.

Can I see your ID?
Sure, here it is.

Where are you from?
I am raised and born in Mumbai.

How often do you take photographs? All the time, actually. I have a lifelong passion for taking pictures, not like selfies but pictures of sceneries. I guess it can really help enhance my creativity. I take pictures of almost everywhere I go, whenever I feel like it.

Do you prefer to take pictures of people or sceneries? As I have said before, I prefer taking pictures of the sceneries and I do it all the time with my camera. I would say that I have a good eye, many people told me that my pictures can bring out an emotional response from them.

Do you frame any photo? Yes, I did frame one of my favorite photos and hung it in my bedroom. It is a picture of my family in Thailand. It is not a masterpiece or anything, but it really evokes good memories whenever I look at it.

Were you patent when you were younger? No, not really. When I was a child, I was notorious for my bad temper. I easily got mad when facing any emotional stress. Occasionally I still feel embarrassed about it when recalling it.

How do you feel when other people are not patent? I think it’s understandable, especially for teenagers living in a crowded place like HCM city. I mean, it’s not as easy as it sounds to keep a cool head when you encounter a complicated situation.

Are you less or more patent when you’re angry? As I said before, I used to be a hot-blooded boy when I was younger. At that time, patience was not something on my list. Impatience took lots of great opportunities from me, which I find quite regrettable.

PART – 2 Cue Card

Describe a newly built public facility (such as parks, cinemas, etc.) that influences your city.

  • Where the facility is
  • When it was built
  • What people can do there
  • and why influence the facility has.

Sample Answer:-

So today I would like to talk about Thanh Ha water park, which is a recently constructed facility that is attracting many Hanoians’ attention.

Water park used to be my all-time favorite spot as a child. I mean who can resist the fun of playing with water? Therefore, last year I decided to visit Thanh Ha, a newly built water park located in the outskirt of Hanoi, to relive my childhood. The trip was fun and memorable.

The most exciting things in the park, to me, are definitely the water slides. The feeling of sliding down from 15 to 20 meters at high speed and getting soaking wet is appealing to a thrill seeker like me. If you are not into physically-demanding activities, you can always choose to relax by letting yourself flow aimlessly on the lazy river. The food at the water park, which is normally great, will taste even better after two hours of water exercising.

Water park, in my opinion, is a great place for parents who have no idea where to take their children to in this boiling 38-degree-or-above summer. I mean, children can spend hours in the park without complaining and playing with water is quite safe. Also, this place is a necessary replacement for the old Ho Tay water park, which is really outdated and in desperate need of renovation.

PART – 3 Follow Up Question Answers

What measures should be taken to deal with damage on public facilities?
First of all people should themselves be aware that if they use these facilities nicely only then they will be able to use them for a long time. Otherwise, the facilities may be destroyed. The government should appoint people for the maintenance of these facilities.
Another thing that can be done is that a very small fee should be charged for these facilities. That money could be used for the maintenance of these places.

What are the differences between old facilities and new facilities?
Old facilities are like parks and libraries. New facilities are gyms and leisure places.

What facilities do young people and old people like in your country?
Young people like gyms and leisure centres. Old people like parks, health centres and libraries.

What is the difference between facilities in the countryside and the ones in the cities?
In the countryside the facilities are related to education and health. In the cities there are many entertainment facilities also.

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