Top Tips for acquiring Desired Scores in Speaking

Desired Scores in Speaking
Desired Scores in Speaking

Top tips for acquiring desired scores in Speaking

Speaking is one of the modules of IELTS, which evaluates applicants’ speaking skills, mean to say whether he or she is able to speak in English in an appropriate manner or not. In general, there are four parameters, on the basis of which speaking is evaluated, which are mentioned below:

1. Fluency

2. Pronunciation and cohesion

3. Grammatical range and accuracy

4. Lexical resources

Before appearing for IELTS exam, it is quite essential to know about the demand of these factors so that you could fulfill the requirements of good scoring.

1. Fluency – it is necessary to deliver your answers in a natural speed as well as tone, without taking thinking pauses. To maintain it, try to give normal answers without devoting too much time to think the ideas or appropriate vocab words because while choosing suitable keywords, it is common to take few minutes, which is a big mistake. If you are lacking somewhere you should try some fluency improving skills. It is imperative to keep in mind that examiner just want to check your English speaking skills; not your general knowledge or content.

2. Pronunciation – if we talk about pronunciation it have its own importance for getting good scores, it is the evaluation of our throw of words, like how we pronounce the words. As we are not the native speakers of English language, so that is why, don’t try to copy the accent of foreigners. Just focus on appropriate pronunciation by avoiding the touch of mother tongue. To cite an illustration, appropriate – it is pronounced as “upropriate” like from “u” inspite of starting from “a”.

Take one more example:-

Vegetable – v-e-g-t-a-b-l-e

In order to ameliorate this skill, try to listen English videos as much as you can. For what you observe or listen that you adopt.

3. Lexical resources – this requires superior usage of vocab words in the form of informal idioms (idiomatic language) along with try to avoid the repetition of question keywords. But the condition is same, language should be natural; don’t use the remembered lines.

There are few examples of some common idioms:-

1. For representing happiness – Over the moon / in the air / on the seventh heaven

2. For showing sadness – down in the dumps

3. Fitness – fit as a fiddle / fit as a flea

4. Important – part and parcel

5. Man of his words, social butterfly and so on.

Apart from it, try to evade the repetition of question keywords; for example, in part first, most of the questions are related to likings or disliking: let’s assume an example

Do you like shopping ?

Answer 1. Yes, I like shopping…..

Answer 2. Absolutely, l love shopping….

Answer 3. Exactly, I am fond of purchasing things…

Answer 4. There is no doubt, I have keen interest in purchasing various kind of things…

In that manner, you can show your vocab range.

4. Grammatical range and variations – this plays a vital role especially in cue card. As try to use wide range of sentence formations such as simple, complex, compound, conditional and so on. There are few examples of such sentence types:-

If then

When then

Although yet

Whether or

Either or

Neither nor

In spite of

Despite of

Special point: – it is very good point to start your cue card with any complex structure such as although yet

For example: describe a time when you were very happy

Although I experience a lot of bittersweet moments in my life, as these are the part of every body’s life yet today as per topic I am going to describe one of the days, when I was over the moon……….

Some don’ts

Don’t feel nervous.

Don’t give the remembered answers.

Don’t copy the accent.

Don’t feel shy.

Don’t repeat the question keywords.

Don’t argue with the examiner.

Don’t change your point of view.

Don’t stuck while answering.

Don’t go out of topic.

Don’t give too length or too short answers.

Don’t speak in monotone.

Don’t try to use complicated words


Do practice as much as you can, don’t skip any moment to talk in English. Because


Best of luck !


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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