Do you want to enhance your speaking skills??

Do you want to enhance your speaking skills??
Do you want to enhance your speaking skills??

Do you want to enhance your speaking skills??

If yes! Then follow the below mentioned tips:

1. Practice regularly

It is a well known saying, “practice makes a man perfect”. You will not believe but it’s a true fact when it comes to IELTS speaking module. Therefore, if you are also aspiring to crack this test, take this tip seriously. We recommend you to do practice properly till one day prior to your speaking test. In between these days you need to discover your flaws and need to fix them which can be done by speaking only.

It is even better if you practice with your near and dear ones especially your family members such as siblings or with your close friends. Apart from this, you can do mirror practice too by standing in front of the mirror and speaking in front  of yourself only. Also, you should try to reach at least one hour earlier than your scheduled speaking timing so that you can have a conversation generally with the faculty members and other candidates present there. This will eventually make you more confident to speak in front of examiner and your nervousness will decrease.

2. Be consistent

Speaking everyday with consistency is needed. Try to speak at your home, office or institute, simply anywhere you go. Leaving speaking practice can ruin your all efforts.

3. Speak naturally

Owing to the convenience of mobile phones, you have access of ample of applications which can assist you in improving your speaking skills. Try these apps once. If you find them useful, just continue using them. These will teach you speaking in natural manner with intonation, expressions and stress etcetera. This IELTS speaking test is to check your comfort level with English language so being natural is what ultimately examiners look for.

Examiners want your natural tone here. Don’t be artificial by speaking loud unnecessarily or being very low in sound. Just speak to be audible enough. On the spot, trying to speak differently might lose your focus. In IELTS speaking test don’t be fake and just show your natural speaking way. Try to present your perspectives, examples. In case of problematic situations or hypothetical questions, discuss causes, effects and solutions. Be to the point but support your point. Show your natural body language

4. Ask the examiner

Sometimes it happens that you do not understand what the examiner has asked. In this situation, you can ask the examiner to either repeat it or to explain the term/word which is unfamiliar to you. Asking them relevant questions will help you put an impression on the examiner about the comfort that you have with language. Obviously, asking once is fine but overdoing will lead to negativity. Don’t tell them to explain every word that you fail to understand. The importance of asking is that if you will be unclear about the meaning of question, you will end up answering wrongly and finally leading to deduction in your score. So you can ask if you want to.

Do you want to enhance your speaking skills??

5. Make the talk longer

Keep talking. Examiners want to listen to you so if you will elaborate your answers you will be able to present yourself more.  Examiners expect lengthy answers and want you to speak more than them. Don’t shorten your answer as it is just affecting your score. Try to answer why, how and what by alongside giving personal or general examples.

6. Work on your grammar

Speaking with confidence and fluently only do not make any sense if your grammatical accuracy is poor. Undoubtedly, we don’t say that only grammar is important but it has 25% weight age in your total band scores. Moreover, if your grammar is poor, you will not be able to present your clear idea and opinion. So work on this parameter too but it’s not the only important parameter. Just focusing on grammar can make you nervous while speaking which is even worse. To overcome your grammar problem, try to record yourself and listen to it that how does it sound? If you find errors try to fix them by speaking and recording again until and unless you feel satisfaction.

7. Go through the recent topics

Try to follow updated sample books and past papers. Sometimes in round 1, examiner asks you to speak about your interests. Just prepare your area of interest and explain it with proper confidence. For example, if your interest lies in books, talk about the genres of books you read. If you like sports, discuss about any eminent personality.

8. Do auto correction

While speaking at length, even expert speakers make mistakes so its better that rather getting panic after making errors, you yourself recorrect it smartly and continue with confidence. Although it is suggested to avoid this too but it will let the examiner know that you are clear about the basics.

9. Take time to think

Answering immediately after questions is not mandatory. So try to take pause and think properly before answering. You can collect thoughts and justifications that you will use further. Try to connect with some linkers such as, oh that an interesting question, i would say in this situation..

Don’t start every answer this way. Bring variations in your way of presentation.

Keep learning!!

Do you want to enhance your speaking skills??


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Do you want to enhance your speaking skills??

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