Easy strategies to Crack the IELTS exam

Easy strategies to Crack the IELTS exam
Easy strategies to Crack the IELTS exam

Easy strategies to Crack the IELTS exam

Many students struggle to clear IELTS exam as they find this test difficult. If you are one of them then this article is for you as in this we will discuss some easy strategies to crack the IELTS exam.

Reading Test

Your focus should be on each and every detail while reading. If you are fond of reading then read all the assigned passages with interest and get lost in the information provided and lose your scores because while analyzing each and every word you will run out of time. So to avoid this situation you should first of all, focus on skimming. Then take a look at the given questions and try to find the accurate location of the answer in the passage and match the information with the question. This process is called scanning. If still the answer is not found then try to do the reading in detail.

Always keep in mind that you have 60 minutes to answer 40 questions. Which means you need to be quick while finding the information or locating the answer. Next point to keep in mind is you should read distinct types of essays. Due to which you will be familiar with different topics. The academic and general training reading texts are different from each other so, your sort of essay carefully.

Listening Test

In IELTS listening there 40 questions and you have 30 minutes to listen the information and answer the questions.  There would be some irrelevant information also, in the audio script, to distract you. But you should listen the information and look out for right answer. You might be sometimes confused with two answers but always look for the appropriate answer. You should wait until you listen the correct information.

Before the speaker starts speaking you will get some time to read the questions and in that time you can predict the answer according to your understanding. You should get familiar with different podcasts and radio programs because there is a wide range of accents that can be from around the world, which you will have to listen in the audio. So be familiar with all the accents. Always remember that you will listen the audio only one time.

Writing Test

Do planning for writing. Proper time management is needed in IELTS writing.  There will be two tasks which you will have to complete in 1 hour. At the first, it might seem that this is sufficient time to complete two tasks but it is not that easy. You need to manage your time properly to complete both the tasks. You can use POWER writing to deal with this.

P for planning

Start thinking about the points in relation to the topic when you read the question. This is also called brainstorming.

Think of as many as ideas you can think about, in the less possible time. But, you do not need to write all your ideas in your writing. Choose the best among many. If you get topic related to merits and demerits of any topic, think of all the merits and demerits and make a list.

O for organizing

Once you are done with making the list, now you need to decide the points which you need to write and explain in your task. You should choose only those points that you can explain well and don’t forget to write an example. The word limit of task 1 is 150 words and task 2 is 250 words.

W stands for writing.

Now start writing your points in paragraphs.  If you are writing task 1 then in general training you should make 3 paragraphs while in academic task1 you need to make 2 paragraphs.

In task 2 you should make 4 paragraphs, start with introduction, then body paragraphs and conclusion at the end.

E stands for evaluation

Your task response matters the most in IELTS writing. You should check whether you have provided points related to the question or not. Focus on the bullet points and subsections mentioned in the questions. Always remember to check the question and your response to it.

R for review

Next comes the proof reading or review, you need to revise and edit the spellings, grammar mistakes and add if something’s missing. After that take a look at punctuation (full stops and commas). Check the capital and small letters. Catch the errors and edit them. Then check that if you have covered all the parts or not.

Speaking Test

For your speaking test, you do not need to feel nervous. Impress your examiner, with your way of talking and body language. Do practice and prepare well and do your best in 14 minutes. Have a conversation with him but in a formal way only.

Easy strategies to Crack the IELTS exam


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Easy strategies to Crack the IELTS exam

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