Enhance your band score in writing task 2 to 7

Enhance your band score in writing task 2 to 7
Enhance your band score in writing task 2 to 7

Enhance your band score in writing task 2 to 7

Here are some suggestions which will help you to enhance your band score in writing task 2 to 7.

1)  Understand the demand of the question

Before attempting the answer, understand your question very well. In this way, you ‘ll know exactly what the examiner is seeking for. One of the major mistakes candidates make is not answering the question fully, which put halts from getting a score higher than a band 5.

To analyze the question, firstly identify the type of question then identify the keywords in the question and finally identify the given instructions. This will assist you to understand exactly what the examiner wants you to do with the question.

2) Planning

Plan your answer. Students who get the highest marks in writing task 2 always plan their answers for up to 10 minutes. Planning helps you organize your ideas and give a structure to your essay before you write it, it not only save your time but also help you to produce a vivid and coherent essay.

3) Write an Introduction

The student must tell the examiner what the rest of the essay is about and also answer the question directly. This tells the grader that you are going straight and helps you write your main body paragraphs.

4) Write the main body paragraphs.

These are the detailed paragraphs. You do this by evaluating your main points and supporting these with proper explanations and relevant examples.

5) Conclusion

At last, you should provide a summary of what you already said in the essay in the form of conclusion.

Some methods to boost your score in IELTS writing task 2

Majority of the people know very well they need to ameliorate their writing skills, but they are unaware that how to do it. 4 ways are as follows:

1_Understand the exam

You should first understand what IELTS writing task 2 is, what you expected to do and what the examiners want. This is the initial stage which is often overlooked.

There are a wide range of online resources, usually with conflicting and inferior quality information, so finding an appropriate resource of information is key.

2_ Identification of weak areas.

Suppose, if your bike breaks down, you try and identify which part caused the problem. If you are not well, your doctor will conduct tests to find out the exact cause of your symptoms.

IELTS writing task 2 is exactly the same. We must identify WHY you are not getting the score you need before we can help you improve.

However, be very careful! You wouldn’t ask the average man on the street for medical advice, so be ensure you find someone who actually knows what they are doing and have the expertise to help you with this.

3_ Fix the problems.

Now we know that what the problems are, we must fix them. If your grammar needs work, fix those issues. If your vocabulary is lacking, work on fixing this concern. A good IELTS trainer will be able to help you fix your certain issues.

4_ Do practice and Get feedback.

Practice individually will not help you. It is an imperative part of your preparation, but you must also get feedback on your work if you are really going to improve.

You wouldn’t try to teach yourself how to drive without an instructor. Would you?

Search someone who will give you accurate and helpful feedback on your work. Otherwise, you will not be able to move to the last stage.

Now that you have understood what need to do , you’ve identified the maina areas and received feedback on your work, you are now ready to acquire your desired band score in writing task 2.

Enhance your band score in writing task 2 to 7


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Enhance your band score in writing task 2 to 7

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