5-steps that will enhance your IELTS Writing Task 1 score

enhance your IELTS Writing Task 1 score
enhance your IELTS Writing Task 1 score

5-steps that will enhance your IELTS Writing Task 1 score

Writing in IELTS is the toughest of all modules and most of the students don’t get their desired band scores because of this module. The main reason fir lacking in writing task is task 1 as many students don’t work much on it as a result its give negative impact on the result. SO today we will discuss the 5-steps that will enhance your Writing Task 1 score

1. Planning

Planning is very important for the successful completion of the task. You cannot write each and every detail of the diagram instead you should study the diagram carefully first than you should identify the important details. You should explain this information in your task so that your task becomes well structured and organized. All this is possible if you make a plan before starting the task. If you go without any plan you will probably end the task with less important details that too in an unorganized manner.  

2. Effective Introduction

Your introduction should be impressive and effective. It should be so real that the reader without any question paper should know what the question was about. You should make a separate paragraph for the introduction but make sure that it’s not too long that you send most of the time in writing intro paragraph.   

Introduction must have a topic sentence that guides the rest of your writing, which will give your reader a direction.

3. Organization of the repor

Your report must be organized properly so that the examiner can come to know that where a point finished and new point has started. For this you should write your different main idea with supporting idea in separate paragraph.  

You should write the conclusion in a different paragraph or can also write in the body paragraph. It will depend upon the word limits and the time in your hand.

4. Use Clear and Helpful Language

IELTS Writing task demands formal language so make sure that your writing style is formal. In formal format also make sure that you use the language that is clear and helpful. Your views and ideas should clearly reach to the examiner. You should use variety of vocabulary and sentence structures to make your writing impressive. You should not repeat the same word again and again as this can deduct your marks.

5. Proofreading

Reading your answer in the end to identify any minor mistakes is called Proofreading. Proofreading helps in identifying the minor spelling mistakes and grammar errors and correcting them. So always keep 5 minutes in hand for proofreading but there are few things that you should keep in mind during proofreading- 

Never hand over your answer sheet without proofreading as proofreading can help you improve your scores.

Proof read twice, first for grammar first for the grammar and vocabulary than again only for spelling mistakes. You may not notice spelling mistakes if you focus on grammar and vocabulary and vice versa.

Remember that this is a language test, so the evaluators will focus a lot on your grammar, vocabulary and spelling, as well as on your ability to organize your writing.

At the end, there isn’t much you can do about organization, but you can correct some small grammar, spelling or vocabulary mistakes.

Don’t go for the complete change of the sentence just checks the grammar, vocabulary and spelling mistakes. If you find any sentence wrong try to fix with minor changes and don’t try to change the whole sentence as you may run out of time while doing this.

Practice a lot as it will make you perfect.

Thank You 🙂


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