Food Vocabulary

Food Vocabulary

Food Vocabulary

Food Vocabulary

Plant foods –a number of types of food derived from plants, including vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, etc.

Sentence-The trend of organic plant foods is rising as they are manufactured without using conventional fertilizers and pesticides.

Food Vocabulary

To be high in fiber- no digestible part of food that helps to keep a person healthy by moving other food quickly through the body.

Sentence-Banana is the very high in fiber hence improve digestive system.

Food Vocabulary

Inadequate- not enough in quantity or not good enough in quality.

Sentence-The inadequate amount of food can cause weakness.

Food Vocabulary

Tasty-having a very pleasant and delicious flavor.

Sentence- The restaurant serves a lot of tasty food for customers.

Food Vocabulary

Fattening-likely to make you fat easily.

Sentence-Fast food is fattening so one should avoid it to maintain his health.

Food Vocabulary

Food hygiene-the clean and safety of food from production to consumption.

Sentence- Restaurants should take proper care of Food hygiene as it is concerned with consumers’ health.

Food Vocabulary

Appetizing- smelling or looking attractive, appealing to or stimulating your taste, so that you feel hungry or thirsty.

Sentence- The meal is very appetizing I cannot control myself to eat.

Food Vocabulary

Ripe- to be fully grown and ready to eat.

Sentence- The rice is ripe for harvest.

Food Vocabulary

Overcooked- to spoil food by cooking it for longer than necessary.

Sentence- I had to throw the meal as it was overcooked.

Food Vocabulary

Grill-to boil or cook something on a grill.

Sentence- I love grilled sandwiches.

Food Vocabulary

Merits and demerits of fast food

The rise of fast food globally is often thought to have an injurious impact on families, individuals, and society at large. In my opinion, fast food is a negative overall despite some tangible benefits.

The advantages of fast food vary according to the segment of society in question. Individuals get enjoyment out of fast food, the clearest evidence of which is its popularity. Fast food is also relatively cheap, tasty and, as its name suggests, saves time. For families, the advantages are similar. In many working-class families, parents spend at a lot time and energy at their jobs and have inadequate time for preparing a nutritious, time-consuming meal for their children. Fast food is therefore a necessary, viable alternative, as it is appetizing children like it very much. Finally, society benefits in a general sense because of the employment opportunities. Fast food restaurants employ thousands of, admittedly, lowly paid workers and is a safe transitional job for students and struggling individuals.

Regardless, the negative impact of fast food is greater. Though people enjoy the taste and convenience of fast food, they are doing irreparable harm to both their short and long-term health. Research has shown that the high fattening content in fast food not only affects daily energy levels but also contributes to conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. These same health risks extend to families, with the added caveat that children are forming potentially life-long bad habits as these foods are not high in fiber and other essential minerals. Moreover, sometimes the quality of meals is not very good as overcooked or over riped material is mixed in them.  Society also suffers from the growth of the fast food industry as local businesses lose revenue to these international conglomerates that enrich primarily the already wealthy or foreign nationals. Another demerit of fast food is food hygiene as the place where food is cooked, baked or grilled is not neat and clean.

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