General IELTS Writing Tips – Letter Tips

General IELTS Writing Tips – Letter Tips

General IELTS Writing Tips - Letter Tips
General IELTS Writing Tips – Letter Tips


You must write a letter in at least 150 words. The task will tell you to whom you are supposed to write. It must be someone in the general community or someone at the university or college, or perhaps an acquaintance or a friend.


You have rented a house through an agency. The air conditioner has stopped working. You phoned the agency a week ago but it still has been repaired.

Write a letter to the agency. In your letter

– Introduce yourself

– Explain the situation

– Tell them what you want them to do about it

You should write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write your own address.

Begin your letter as follows: Dear………..


Step 1:

Read and understand the task (Suggested time limit: 2 minutes)

First, read the situation you have to write about. Then, read what you have to do and make sure that you understand the requirements of the task.

Details of Step 1Sample Task 1
Understand the topic  The topic is: You have rented a house through an agency. The air conditioner has stopped working. You phoned the agency a week ago but it still has not been repaired.  
Understand the task  The task is: Write a letter to the agency. In your letter: Explain the situation Tell them what you want them to do about it  
Understand the requirements  You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows: Dear………  
BEST IELTS General Writing Task 1 Tips

Step 2:

Plan what you are going to write (Suggested time limit: 3 minutes)

After you read the task, develop a plan. A plan is a list of what you will write, written very in a very concise manner. Each point in the list will become a paragraph in your writing.

Step 3:

Write your answer on the Answer Sheet (Suggested time limit: 12 minutes)

Like an essay or a report, your letter has three main sections:

1. Introduction – your opening paragraph which states your purpose in writing.

2. Body – the paragraphs supporting your purposes; and

3. Conclusion – where you request your reader to do something before closing and signing off

Step 4:

Check your writing (Suggested time limit: 3 minute)

After you finish writing, you must check your writing.

1. Check the content – Have you answered the question? And is everything you have written appropriate and relevant to the topic and the question?

2. Check the language – Are your grammar and vocabulary appropriate and correct

3. Check the presentation – Is your writing neat and clear? Do not’ hesitate to erase wrong words and write them more clearly.

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3 years ago

Good and iseful tips

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