General Vocabulary (PART – 12)

General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Sink in- to become completely understood, known or realized.

Sentence-He paused a moment for his words to sink in.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Sparingly- in an economical way; in small quantities.

Sentence- Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or con-centrated apple or pear juice.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Sponsor- a person or organization that pays for or contributes to the costs of an event.

Sentence- We have to make the states that sponsor terrorism pay a price.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Stuffed bear-a stuffed toy in the shape of a bear.

Sentence- Holly showed us a small white stuffed bear named Lucy.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

The shore- the land along the edge of a sea, lake or river.

Sentence-We wandered along the shore, stepping over the flotsam that had washed up in the night.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Simplify-make something simple/less complicated and easy to do or understand.

Sentence- Mission-driven budgets simplify the budget process enormously.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

To some degree- to some extent.

Sentence- The risks of these complications depend, to some degree, on whether the condition is primary or secondary.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Sensitivity- the ability to understand the feelings of others.

Sentence- Don’t be fooled by his kindness and sensitivity – it’s just a front.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Storytelling- the art of telling stories.

Sentence- The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Setback- a difficulty or problem that delays something or makes a situation worse.

Sentence- King had been dealt a setback in Albany, Ga., which was not moved to integrate by civil rights demonstrations.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Superb- excellent; very good.

Sentence- The house has a superb staircase made from oak and marble.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

To stem from- to be caused by/ as the result of something.

Sentence- These benefits are held to stem from three separate but connected effects of removing the barriers to free movement.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

(To) surround- to be all around someone or something.

Sentence- the River of liquid rock threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff managed to escape just in time.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

To squander a chance/an opportunity- to waste/fail to use a chance, by not taking advantage of it.

Sentence-He squandered a chance by not retaking his CPF test, and he totally regretted it.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Substandard- below the required standard.

Sentence- Many of the tenants lived in substandard adobe apartments, some with backyard outhouses.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

To sift information- to remove unwanted or less useful information.

Sentence- Health and corporate preparedness experts sift information from around the world and distill it to produce the Weekly Pandemic Monitor service.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

To strike somebody as- to give somebody a particular impression.

Sentence- His appearance struck him as strange.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Self-explanatory-easy to understand and needs no more explanation.

Sentence- The further subdivision of natural hazards is self-explanatory as is that of individual technological hazards.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Secure in the knowledge- feeling safe or secure because you know something well.

Sentence- We huddled together, secure in the knowledge that the rescue helicopter was on its way.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Spot- a particular area or place.

Sentence- He erected a monument on the spot where his daughter was killed.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Second to none- as good as or better than all others of the same kind.

Sentence- Leven has a playing field second to none which is the envy of many villages in the area.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Suit someone down to the ground- to be completely suitable, convenient or right for someone.

Sentence- This new job suits her down to the ground.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

To seat- to arrange for someone to sit somewhere.

Sentence- Ferry ticket and hotel accommodation are subject to seat and room availability.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

Souvenir- something you buy or keep as a reminder of a place, an occasion or a holiday/vacation.

Sentence- There were her souvenir mugs from the 1984 miners’ strike.

General Vocabulary (PART - 12)

To stand out-to be prominent or more important than somebody/something.

Sentence- Simeon was so desperate to stand out that he would show up in all sorts of strange costumes.


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