General Vocabulary (Part – 13)

General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

To stem from –to be the result of something.

Sentence- These benefits are held to stem from three separate but connected effects of removing the barriers to free movement.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Social isolation- the state of isolating/separating someone from society.

Sentence- Time, distance, and social isolation ensured that each patrolling constable carried a mobile Panopticon with him.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Spread throughout- to open, arrange, or place something over a large area.

Sentence-The fire quickly spread throughout the building.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Set to- likely to.

Sentence- The professor set to study the habits of the natives.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Sustain- support something/somebody physically or mentally in order to be able to continue to live.

Sentence- Kangaroos can sustain high speeds over long distances.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Settle- to go and live permanently in a particular place.

Sentence- He took a long time to settle in to big-time football.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Sex discrimination- the practice of treating somebody or a particular group in society unequally because of their gender.

Sentence-They are planning the introduction of legislation against sex discrimination.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Subsidise- support an organization financially to help to pay for something.

Sentence-Public policy should redistribute income and subsidise, if not deliver directly, essential services such as education and health.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Sustainable- involving the use of natural products or energy in a way that causes little or no damage to the environment.

Sentence-Hydroelectricity is very sustainable.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Sparingly- using very little of something in an infrequent manner; in small quantities.

Sentence-Use the milk sparingly, there’s not much left.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Sited- to be placed or built in a particular place.

Sentence-It is sited in the middle of the city, surrounded by residential and commercial development.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Speed up- make something move or travel faster.

Sentence- They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Suited- right or appropriate for somebody or something.

Sentence-The area is well suited to road cycling as well as off-road riding.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Serviceable-suitable to be used; helpful, useful.

Sentence- This instrument was very serviceable to artists, graphic artists especially, working in competition with the camera.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Sound reasons- good and sensible reasons.

Sentence- As long as a strong argument or sound reasons are given for your opinions they will stand on their own.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Self-interest- considering only the advantage to one’s own advantage and well-being, without caring about others.

Sentence- He helped us out of charity, not self-interest.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Self-interest- considering only the advantage to one’s own advantage and well-being, without caring about others.

Sentence- He helped us out of charity, not self-interest.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Sophisticated- complicated or complex.

Sentence- They are cheating but are sophisticated enough to avoid detection.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Sweaty- covered in sweat that makes you feel hot and uncomfortable.

Sentence- My two chips were ready in my sweaty palm.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Shrink- become smaller in size or amount.

Sentence-Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Stressed out- being anxious, worried and nervous.

Sentence- School and work have me stressed out; I need something to take the edge off.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Sanity- the ability to think and behave in a normal manner without being mentally ill.

Sentence- Such a move is essential for the sanity of all concerned.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

To strike up (a conversation, a relationship)- to start (to do) something.

Sentence- It did not take the boy long to strike up acquaintances in his new school.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Thoroughness- the act of doing something very carefully and with great attention to detail.

Sentence- The thoroughness of the evaluation process we went through was impressive.

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Throw a party- to hold a party.

Sentence- Why not throw a party for your friends?

General Vocabulary (Part - 13)

Treasure- to store or keep (in mind) something that is very special or valuable.

Sentence- Knowledge is a Treasure, but Practice is the key to it.


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