General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary

Do (or try) one’s best- to try very hard/ do as much as possible to achieve something.

Sentence-He has tried his best to hold first position in marathon but he failed.

General Vocabulary

Disregard-to pay no attention to someone or something.

Sentence- He disregarded his teacher so he was rusticated from school.

General Vocabulary

Despite the fact that- even though.

Sentence- Despite the fact that he practiced a lot , he didn’t succeeded in the race.

General Vocabulary

Dusk- partial darkness; the time when the sun has gone down.

Sentence-The sky at dusk is red.

General Vocabulary

Depend on- to rely on someone for help.

Sentence- Though he is 20 but still he depends on his father for everything.

General Vocabulary

Distract- to prevent someone from concentrating on something.

Sentence- While driving he was distracted by a phone call resulting in an accident.

General Vocabulary

Draw lots- to decide who will do something by picking cards, tickets or numbers from a container by chance.

Sentence- We had to draw lots to decide who would go.

General Vocabulary

Desirable- that you would like to have or do; worth having or doing because it is useful, necessary.

Sentence-Because of the desirable discount, the stock sold out quickly.

General Vocabulary

Degradation- the process of something becoming worse or damaged.

Sentence- Due to the industrial revolution the environment is under degradation.

General Vocabulary

Disorder- a problem or illness that causes someone’s mind or body to stop functioning properly.

Sentence-She suffers from a respiratory disorder and is under treatment from last 2 weeks.

General Vocabulary

Dependent-be relying on someone or something in order to survive or to be successful.

Sentence- Some people solely dependent on luck to become successful.

General Vocabulary

Disincentive- something that makes someone less willing to do something (discourage people from doing something).

Sentence- A sudden fall in share market provided a further disincentive to new investors.

General Vocabulary

Distinctive- having a quality that makes something different and easily noticed from others.

Sentence- My language teacher has a distinctive approach to teach.

General Vocabulary

Deterrent- a thing that discourages someone from doing something (makes somebody less likely to do something).

Sentence- Rigorous imprisonment can be a very effective deterrent for offenders.

General Vocabulary

Dependence on- the state of needing something or someone all the time in order to survive or be successful.

Sentence- A young baby has a great dependence on her parents.

General Vocabulary

Due to- because of; owing to; as a result of.

Sentence- Due to global warming many glaciers are melting.

General Vocabulary

Durable- likely to last for a long time without becoming damaged.

Sentence- I am searching for a durable car that would last years.

General Vocabulary

Discourage- make somebody feel less confident, enthusiastic or less willing to do something.

Sentence– Repetitive failure discouraged him to proceed in his life. 

General Vocabulary

Dispose of- to throw away or get rid of something that you no longer want or need.

Sentence- He disposed of all the old books.

General Vocabulary

Discerning- able to show good or outstanding judgment and understanding about the quality of something.

Sentence- In order to be at the top of your field as a mechanic, you must be very discerning and not miss any details.

General Vocabulary

Decent – of a good or acceptable standard or quality.

Sentence- There are plethora of decent restaurants in this town where you can get good food.

General Vocabulary

Deterioration- the process of becoming progressively worse.

Sentence- As she watched the deterioration of her parents’ marriage, she prayed they would divorce soon.

General Vocabulary

Disappointment- the feeling of frustration, sadness or displeasure.

Sentence- After Marry failed in the exam she was filled with disappointment.

General Vocabulary

To enjoy something to the fullest- to enjoy something as much as possible.

Sentence-  Childhood is the age when we enjoy life to the fullest.

General Vocabulary

End up- to find oneself in a situation or place that was not planned or expected to be in.

Sentence- If we’d looked where we were going, we wouldn’t have ended up in such a mess.

General Vocabulary


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