General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary

Hard-wearing- that lasts a long time and remains in a good condition even if it is used a lot.

Sentence- This varnish provides a long-lasting and hard-wearing gloss finish.

General Vocabulary

Home life- your life at home; private life.

Sentence- A happy home life needs the effort from both sides of the couple.

General Vocabulary

To have social skills- to have the personal skills that you use to successfully communicate and interact with each other.

Sentence- In this job you will need social skills allied with technical knowledge.

General Vocabulary

To have a head for something- to have a natural ability to do or understand something well.

Sentence- He has a good head for mathematics.

General Vocabulary

To have a laid-back attitude- relaxed, not worrying about anything.

Sentence- They might even be prepared to overlook his enthusiasm for the euro, particularly in view of his laid-back attitude towards it.

General Vocabulary

Indulge- to allow someone to enjoy something that they want or desire.

Sentence- Unlike many other politicians, he refuses to indulge in cheap jibes at other people’s expense.

General Vocabulary

Illustrate one’s point- prove one’s point, or use as an example.

Sentence- In this book every topic is easy to understand as there are several examples to illustrate the point.

General Vocabulary

Individuality- uniqueness of character of a particular person.

Sentence- Portrayals of computers in popular culture attribute individuality.

General Vocabulary

Irrespective of- regardless of, no matter what.

Sentence- The weekly rent is the same irrespective of whether there are three or four occupants.

General Vocabulary

(To) integrate-to join a group.

Sentence- These programs will integrate with your existing software.

General Vocabulary

It’s not an indication of- it doesn’t mean (that).

Sentence- This storm is not an indication of rain.

General Vocabulary

Inevitably- will happen no matter what/ unavoidably.

Sentence- Deviate from socialism and China will inevitably retrogress to semi – feudalism and semi – colonialism .

General Vocabulary

In jeopardy- in danger.

Sentence- Placed in jeopardy by a man whose status made him a mere Pawn.

General Vocabulary

Inappropriate- not suitable or proper for a particular purpose or situation.

Sentence- She complained of her boss’s inappropriate behavior towards her.

General Vocabulary

Impact- a strong effect or influence on someone or something.

Sentence- It’s difficult to assess the impact of the President’s speech.

General Vocabulary

Irreplaceable- impossible to be replaced.

Sentence- Inevitably, this will entail losing some of the irreplaceable character of this unique building.

General Vocabulary

Initial- happening at the beginning.

Sentence- The revenue from the farm could repay the initial outlay within three years.

General Vocabulary

It’s no wonder- it is not surprising.

Sentence- It’s no wonder that he cleared the exam.

General Vocabulary

Intrigue- to make somebody very curious or interested about something.

Sentence- She weaves a complicated plot of romance and intrigue.

General Vocabulary

In bloom- the state of having flowers opening.

Sentence- A bicyclist rides past cherry trees in bloom next to the Tidal Basin.

General Vocabulary

In the vicinity of- near; close to (a place).

Sentence- There may therefore be substantial building work in the vicinity of your holiday accommodation or in the resort area generally.

General Vocabulary

Immeasurable- too large, extensive or great to be measured.

Sentence- His films had an immeasurable effect on a generation of Japanese.

General Vocabulary

Invariably- always.

Sentence- He was invariably willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically.

General Vocabulary

Implement-to put something into effect.

Sentence- The government promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institutions.

General Vocabulary

Inequalities- the quality of being unequal or uneven.

Sentence- The government is working on tackling gender inequalities in employment.

General Vocabulary

Initiative- a new plan or process to deal with something, such as a problem.

Sentence- The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.

General Vocabulary

Immerse- to become completely involved in something.

Sentence- If bulbs look shrivelled when unpacked, immerse in trays of damp peat until plumped out.

General Vocabulary


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