Get maximum score in the IELTS writing

Get maximum score in the IELTS writing
Get maximum score in the IELTS writing

Get maximum score in the IELTS writing

Having a wide range of vocabulary and Grammatical accuracy is not sufficient to get success in IELTS. The Writing section in the academic IELTS examination also recognizes your ability to organize your ideas and communicate your ideas appropriately. This article gives effective techniques that assist you utilize your time in the exam very effectively, gain extra points, not lose points unnecessarily and Get maximum score in the IELTS writing. It also provides a detailed overview of Writing tasks one and two, and the question types that may be included in your exam.

Overview of the IELTS writing section       

The IELTS writing exam lasts for 60 minutes which consists of two tasks. Both of these are mandatory, so you have to do both of them. Before we observe at each one, here’s some general suggestion for the writing exam as a whole.

The prime aspect is that you should read the rubric (the instructions for the task) very attentively. As you read, underline and mark your main keywords the most imperative or striking words or ideas in the question. This will aid you to focus on what you need to write about. One of the most common error that test takers make is not answering the task correctly or answering it incompletely, since they haven’t read the question carefully. So be careful otherwise you may lose your marks.

Get maximum score in the IELTS writing

Once you’ve finished reading the task, you should spend time planning your answer. It’s very tempting to commence writing promptly, but this really is a bad idea you require to think about what information or ideas you’re going to include, how you’re going to structure your answer and what language you’re going to use. Better preparation will improve your chances of getting a good band score.

_Manage your time so that you have enough time to answer both tasks. Another common mistake is for candidates to allocate too much time on one task, so that they don’t have enough time for the other. Task 2 is worth double as many marks as task 1, so it’s better if you spend about 40 minutes on task 2, and 20 minutes on task 1.

_Be ensure that your answers are long enough. For task 1, you’re expected to write about 150 words and for task 2, about 250 words. If you write less than the instructed words, you may lose your scores because you haven’t described the examiner that your language is good enough for a maximum band score. There’s no highest word limit, however if you want to write more just remember that it needs to be relevant to the question. Long answers are not automatically better!

Get maximum score in the IELTS writing

Tips for task 2

Begin your answer by presenting the topic. You can start by making a general statement, for instance’ it’s becoming increasingly popular for young people to leave their own countries in order to study at foreign universities’. You can then say that this phenomenon has both merits and demerits, and that this is what you are going to discuss. Make sure, however, that you don’t just copy the language from the rubric you should paraphrase or use your own words as much as possible.

_ It’s very important to generate your ideas properly. It’s not enough to say, for example, ‘one of the advantages of studying abroad is that you can experience a distinct languages and culture’. You also need to elaborate why this is an advantage, or what the possible benefits are_ ‘this can make you a more open-minded person and tolerant person’, or ‘this provides you with a skill which can be worthwhile throughout the life’. Don’t just present an idea and then quickly move on to the next one_ you need to expand on it.

_ Make sure that you arrange your answer into clear paragraphs. You should make a paragraph plan as part of your preparation before you write anything. For an ‘advantages/ disadvantages’ essay, you would probably need four paragraphs_ an introduction, one paragraph each to discuss the advantages and disadvantages and after a plausible conclusion. You will lose marks for organization if your answer has no paragraphs, or if you haven’t used them properly.

_ Be careful with register in other words, how formal your writing sounds. It should sound like the type of an essay you would write for your instructor at University, so the tone should be relatively formal. For example, instead of using contractions such as “can’t”, “doesn’t”, “won’t”, you should use the full forms instead ‘cannot , does not, will not’as these sound more formal. Likewise, avoid using informal Vocabulary when there’s a more formal equivalent ‘children’ is more appropriate in an academic essay than ‘kids’.


Get maximum score in the IELTS writing


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Get maximum score in the IELTS writing

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