Halloween Vocabulary

Halloween Vocabulary

Halloween Vocabulary

Halloween Vocabulary

Afraid – feeling fear, or feeling worry about the possible results of a particular situation.

Sentence- I’m afraid we’re not making much progress .

Halloween Vocabulary

Afterlife – the life, for example in heaven, that some  people  believe  begins after death.

Sentence- Christina believed she was released from the afterlife to pray for the souls in purgatory.

Halloween Vocabulary

Alarming – a warning of danger, usually a loud noise or flashing light.

Sentence- There has been an alarming rise in separatism and inter-ethnic violence in the country.

Halloween Vocabulary

Alien – coming from a different country, race, or group.

Sentence- You shouldn’t expect immigrants to assimilate into an alien culture immediately.

Halloween Vocabulary

Angel – a spiritual being in some religions who is believed to be a messenger of God, usually represented as having a human form with wings.

Sentence- According to the Bible, an angel told Mary that she would have God’s son Jesus.

Halloween Vocabulary

Apparition – the spirit of a dead person appearing in a form that can be seen.

Sentence- The women said they saw an apparition in the church, next to the altar.

Halloween Vocabulary

Astronaut – a person who has been trained for travelling in space.

 Sentence- Indeed, the astronaut is not really in contact with the top of the spring at all.

Halloween Vocabulary

Autumn – the season of the  year  between  summer  and  winter,  lasting from September to November north of the equator and from March to May south of the equator, when  fruits and crops become ready to eat and are picked, and leaves fall.

Sentence- The fabrics were mainly in rich autumn tints, reds and oranges.

Halloween Vocabulary

Ballerina – a female ballet dancer.

Sentence- His position is now occupied by the ballerina and her partner or a soloist.

Halloween Vocabulary

Bat – a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night.

Sentence-  She’s as blind as a bat without her glasses.

Halloween Vocabulary

Beast – an animal, especially a large or wild one.

Sentence- The beast was a dragon, with great purple and green scales.

Halloween Vocabulary

Bizarre – very strange and unusual.

Sentence-  It is a bizarre tale and the author hits just the right note of horror and disbelief.

Halloween Vocabulary

Black – having the darkest colour there is, like the colour of coal or of a very dark night.

Sentence-  The black ox has trod on her foot.

Halloween Vocabulary

Blood – the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart, and carries oxygen and important substances to organs and tissue, and removes waste products.

Sentence- Blood was pouring from the wound.

Halloween Vocabulary

Bloodcurdling – causing a feeling of extreme fear.

Sentence- Now they were bloodcurdling as of an animal in intense physical pain.

Halloween Vocabulary

Bogeyman – an imaginary evil person who harms children.

Sentence- She always warned him, in whispered anxious tones, whenever the Bogeyman was on the prowl.

Halloween Vocabulary

Bone – any of the hard parts inside a human or animal that make up its frame.

Sentence- The dog sniffed at the bone then went away.

Halloween Vocabulary

 Boo – to make an  expression  of  strong  disapproval  or  disagreement.

Sentence- Tiger Woods would boo a goose with a wood.

Halloween Vocabulary

Broomstick – a broom made of sticks.

Sentence- They watched as she took a broomstick to clean the dirt from her stone steps.

Halloween Vocabulary

Cackle – to make the loud, unpleasant sound of a chicken.

Sentence- I cackle by occasion of the forwardness of others.

Halloween Vocabulary

Cadaver – a dead human body.

Sentence- But I know better than to interrupt the hero with my babblings; instead I ape the satisfied cadaver

Halloween Vocabulary

Candy – a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate, or a piece of this

Sentence- The child is eager to have the candy.

Halloween Vocabulary

Cape – a very large piece of land sticking out into the sea.

Sentence- The cape pushes out into sea.

Halloween Vocabulary

Carve – to make something by cutting into especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc.

Sentence- He hopes to carve out a niche for himself as a leading researcher in his field of study.

Halloween Vocabulary

Casket – a small, decorative box, especially one used to keep jewellery in.

Sentence- The casket was placed on trestles before the high altar.

Halloween Vocabulary

Cauldron – a large, round container for cooking in, usually supported over a fire, and used especially in the past.

Sentence- The cauldron was lying on the floor, its wide mouth gaping at her like a cannon.

Halloween Vocabulary

Cemetery – an area of ground in which dead bodies are buried.

Sentence- The cemetery was vandalized during the night.

Halloween Vocabulary

Chilling –  frightening.

Sentence- We were just chilling out when the earthquake happened.

Halloween Vocabulary

Cloak – a loose outer piece of clothing without sleeves, that fastens at the neck, and is worn instead of a coat.

Sentence- Mary threw a cloak over her shoulders.


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