Health Vocabulary

Health Vocabulary
Health Vocabulary

Health Vocabulary

Health Vocabulary

Yoga – a set of physical and mental exercises, originally from India, intended to give control over the body and mind.

Sentence – he found peace through yoga and meditation.

Health Vocabulary

Tai-Chi – an ancient Chinese tradition that, today, is practiced as a graceful form of exercise.

Sentence – Tai-Chi is becoming popular nowadays.

Health Vocabulary

Keep-Fit – physical exercises to keep your body healthy, often done regularly with other people

Sentence – Our English teacher goes to keep-fit classes and does exercises every other day.

Health Vocabulary

Salad Bar – a table where different salads are served in a restaurant or shop

Sentence – Look at this salad bar, a central feature in most restaurants today.

Health Vocabulary

Vegetarian – a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to avoid being cruel to animals.

Sentence – The menu includes a wide selection of vegetarian dishes.

Health Vocabulary

Outdoor Activities – The activities that encompass outdoor recreation vary depending on the physical environmental they are being carried out in.

Sentence – Here is a rundown on the outdoor activities available in the resort.

Health Vocabulary

Leisure Time – time when one is not working or occupied; free time.

Sentence – It provides leisure time, one of the prime goals for which most men work long hours and years.

Health Vocabulary

Disease – (an) illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by infection or a failure of health rather than by an accident.

Sentence – There’s a direct link between diet and heart disease.

Health Vocabulary

Meal – an occasion when food is eaten, or the food that is eaten on such an occasion.

Sentence – On workdays, the parents eat one meal at their plant.

Health Vocabulary

Protein – one of the many substances found in food such as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs, that is necessary for the body to grow and be strong.

Sentence – These mutants lacked a vital protein which gives them immunity to the disease.

Health Vocabulary

 Balanced Diet – a combination of the correct types and amounts of food.

Sentence – The secret to a longer life is a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Health Vocabulary

Food Pyramid – A food pyramid is a representation of the optimal number of servings to be eaten each day from each of the basic food groups.

Sentence – Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things even for other plants.

Health Vocabulary

Vitamin – any of a group of natural substances that are necessary in small amounts for the growth and good health of the body.

Sentence – My dad swears by these vitamin pills

Health Vocabulary

Health Vocabulary

Carbohydrates – one of several substances, such as sugar or starch, that provide the body with energy, or foods containing these substances such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice.

Sentence – Both carbohydrates and fats provide plentiful sources of energy.

Health Vocabulary

Rice – the small seeds of a particular type of grass, cooked, and eaten as food.

Sentence – Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.

Health Vocabulary

Pasta – a food made from flour, water, and sometimes egg, that is cooked and usually served with a sauce. It is made in various shapes that have different names.

Sentence – I drain the pasta, then I share it out between two plates.

Health Vocabulary

Cereals – a plant that is grown to produce grain.

Sentence – Cereals form the staple diet of an enormous number of people around the world.

Health Vocabulary

Minerals – a valuable or useful chemical substance that is formed naturally in the ground.

Sentence – This food has been fortified with minerals.

Health Vocabulary

Seafood – animals from the sea that can be eaten, especially fish or sea creatures with shells.

Sentence – Try the seafood plate.


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