How important IELTS Grammatical Range and Accuracy?

How important IELTS Grammatical Range and Accuracy?
How important IELTS Grammatical Range and Accuracy?

How important IELTS Grammatical Range and Accuracy?

 Good grammar and vocabulary is essential for taking the IELTS exam.

In the IELTS, grammar is extremely important.  If the IELTS taker wants to get a high band score in the IELTS writing task, candidate need to use a wide variety of grammar accurately. 25% of the overall writing mark is down to Grammatical Range and Accuracy. This means that not only does your IELTS grammar have to be correct buy it also has to be varied. In this article I will go through some of the grammatical structures you can use in order to get a high band score for your IELTS grammar.

What are benefits of Grammar? 

Grammar, that means, a person know how to put words together in a sensible order and add the right endings. Grammar assists to communicate easily. Grammar improves the both Reading as well as Writing skills.

IELTS GRA- IELTS Grammatical Range and Accuracy.  The IELTS GRA comprises two parts:

– Grammatical Range

– Accuracy

You have to master both the concepts in the IELTS test, thus achieving a good IELTS band.

Let’s look at these two parts in detail:

The role of grammar in the IELTS test is very important since the test is taken to assess the language abilities of a candidate.  

Let’s look into the essential concepts related to grammar for IELTS and why it is vital for the test-takers to follow the grammar rules while attempting the test.

Grammatical Range

The IELTS grammar range indicates the quantity or the number for assessing the criteria in the IELTS writing test. 

The range of grammar in IELTS writing includes:

– Task Achievement/Response

– Coherence and Cohesion

– Grammatical range and accuracy

– Lexical resources

The above factors are applicable for both writing tasks- 1 and  2. Even though it is crucial for the IELTS speaking test too.


The accuracy in the IELTS writing section is a reference of being error-free. A test-taker’s band score in that area is related to the presence or lack or recurring errors they produce.

Now look at the Grammar for IELTS in Writing Module

IELTS writing is one of the major areas where grammar for IELTS plays a crucial role.  Writing an essay in IELTS test is quite different from typical essay writing as a part of the university education. The essay must be a clear one in a precise way. It should be at least 250 words in a proper structure.

Grammar for IELTS- let’s have a look at the major writing consequences.


It is essential to understand the 12 verb tenses in the English Grammar for IELTS. They are:

Simple present tense: – s + v + s/es + o

People use mobile phone daily for various purposes

Simple past tense: – s+v2+o /s + used to +v1+o

People used mobile phone for various purposes /People are used to use mobile phone daily for various purposes

Simple future tense: – s+will+v1+o

People will use mobile phone for various purposes

Present continuous tense:-s + is /am /are+v1+ing+o

People are using mobile phones for various purposes

Past continuous tense:-s + was/were+v1+ing+o

People were using mobile phones for various purposes

Future continuous tense:-s + will be + v1+ing+o

People will be using mobile phone for various purposes

(Do try to make the sentences in the same way go other type of tenses as well) 

– Present perfect tense

– Past perfect tense

– Future perfect tense

– Present perfect continuous tense

– Past perfect continuous tense

– Future perfect continuous tense

Based on the topic, you have to use the appropriate tense.


Pronunciations- these are the small symbols, which plays a vital role in the grammar of IELTS. Punctuation helps to convey the correct meaning of the sentence in the right sense. Proper punctuation usage is highly essential to acquire a band above 7 in IELTS. 

Here is the list of various types of punctuation:

Comma (,)




Full stop (.)

Question mark (?)


Hyphen (-)

An exclamation point or exclamation mark (!)

Practice using correct punctuation as incorrect usage may change the meaning of the sentence. Underuse or overuse of pronunciation is not a good IELTS practice. 

Proper punctuation usage ensures that you are maintaining accuracy. Most used punctuation marks in grammar of IELTS Writing include full stops, commas, semicolons, and hyphens.

Types of Sentences

The sentence type is one of the major aspects for the grammatical range to be included as a part of the writing section. There are seven major sentence types which are essential for IELTS writing (both academic writing and general writing).

You should have a clear understanding of sentence structures and clauses while appearing for the IELTS test as the examiner will look for them to grade you for grammatical range.

Here are some exercises highlighting the grammar for IELTS.

Types of sentences in the IELTS Writing Test

– Simple Sentences

It is a clause with a subject and a verb. However, it may consist of more than one subject and verb.

One subject and Verb:

Technology plays a major role in the modern world.

The above sentence consists of one subject “Technology” and the verb “plays”.

Two subjects with one verb:

Technology and innovation play a major role in the modern world.

The above sentence contains two subjects “Technology”, and “Innovation”, and the verb “play”.

Similarly, it can be one subject and one or more verbs.

Compound Sentences

These are the most important sentence types for the IELTS writing and speaking sections.  The compound sentences were formed by the combination of simple or independent clauses using coordinate conjunctions. 

The major conjunctions include:









I’m really needed to go to the bank, but I am too sick to drive.

The conjunction used in the above sentence is ‘but’, for connecting the two independent clauses.

Complex Sentences

The sentences formed with the combination of dependent and independent clauses. A dependent clause is incomplete and has no proper meaning until and unless it is combined with an independent clause.


Dependent clause: I heated it in the Microwave.

Independent clause: My pizza is too cold.

Because my pizza is too cold, I heated it in the Microwave.

Compound-Complex Sentences

A sentence that contains both a compound sentence and a complex sentence within it is termed as the Compound Complex Sentence.


Geetha cried when her puppy got sick, but he soon got better.

Passive Sentences

Sentences that convey the meaning in a passive manner are known as Passive sentences.


Active Sentence: Ram painted the house

Passive Sentence: The house was painted by Ram

Sentences in Reported Speech

Sentences which are not in the direct form are defined as the Sentences in Reported Speech.


I’ve been waiting for 2 hours. 

She said that she’d been waiting for two hours.

Conditional Sentences

The sentences which start with the words like if, when, unless etc. are called conditional sentences. There are four types of conditional sentences.

Zero conditional

First conditional

Second conditional

How important IELTS Grammatical Range and Accuracy?


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