BEST TIP: How is Writing Task 1 calculated?

How is Writing Task 1 calculated
How is Writing Task 1 calculated

BEST TIP: How is Writing Task 1 calculated?

Tips to increase your band scores

In this article, you will learn about how are you task one is scored. You will come to know how writing task of band 5, 6, 7, 8 is calculated. 

As it is clear that number of things are taken into consideration while you’re IELTS modules are assessed. Mainly there are four para metres which are considered to calculate your writing task 1. 

You will also get useful tips to increase your band scores and writing task 1. 

Marking criteria for writing task 1

You’re writing task is marked on the following four para metres which contributes 25% in the total marking. 

  • Task achievement
  • Coherence and cohesion
  • Lexical resource (vocabulary)
  • Grammatical range and accuracy

Below is the chart given in the form of table which will help you to know how a task is given 5 band score and how a task is called 8 bands. 

How are writing task 1 is calculated

Let’s discuss the parameter’s in the detail: 

Task achievement 

In this, the examiner will check, details and accuracy, information and overview of your essay. 

One can easily score high, if you 

  • clearly identify the main features and analyse them through the chart
  • Do highlight the key features in your overview
  • Supporting your body paragraph is a session with the data including different numbers
  • Avoid putting your own opinion
  • Try to raise your word limit up to 160 or 180. 

Coherence and cohesion

Your use of linking devices, organising body. Paragraph along with organisation of your information is checked through this parameter.

If you want to raise your score in this:

  • plan accurately where you will put the information
  • Do have four paragraphs including different data(structure and paragraphing)
  • Do use linking devices as well as 
  • Avoid mistakes in using linking devices
  • Prefer to use different words. For example this it’s.

Lexical resource

Your use of different words, your spellings and the number of mistakes are judged through this parameter. 

You can increase your store if you:

  • Use white range of vocabulary 
  • Using vocabulary for representing the accurate data
  • Understanding collocations 
  • Avoid spelling mistakes
  • Don’t use informal words

Grammatical range and accuracy

Grammatical Range and


You will get a band score for your sentence structures, tenses, control of grammar and the number of mistakes.

You will increase your score, if you:

  • use a range of sentence structures
  • use the right tense for the chart given to you
  • use the right word order
  • adjective noun / verb adverb
  • avoid mistakes (see table above to learn how mistakes affect your score)
  • use the right punctuation

BEST TIP: How is Writing Task 1 calculated?


BEST TIP: How is Writing Task 1 calculated?
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