How many words for IELTS Writing?

How many words for IELTS Writing?
How many words for IELTS Writing?

How many words for IELTS Writing?

Misconceptions about word limits in writing Task 2

In IELTS writing task 2 the word limit is of 250 words but many students are advised that it’s okay to write less than this limit but the content should be unique and relevant and some other says more you write more you score.

I am sorry to say that all these advised are wrong and this stuff create misconceptions in the minds of aspirants. Let me clear you if you write less than 250 words your scores will be deducted no matter how unique your idea is and over writing will also result the same.

What happens if I write under the word count?

It is strictly recommended to write at least 250 words in task 2 and 150 words in task 1 other wise your marks will be deducted under lack of task achievement. If you write less words examiner will have to count all of your words and if the count remained at 248 or 249 then he will deduct your marks because you haven’t answered the question properly.

Should I write more words to get a good mark?

Writing more words to get good scores is also a baseless idea. First thing is you will have to spend more time to write more as a result you can run out of time and your task will remain incomplete. Secondly, in order to write fast you will do spelling mistakes and even grammar mistakes.

The most important thing in order to write lengthy you will compromise with the quality of the essay and the scores are awarded for quality and not for quantity. So try to make your essay well structured instead of making it lengthy.

How many words should I write?

The ideal word limit that should not be exceeded is around 160-170 words in task 1 and about 270-280 words in task 2. In the exam you cannot count all words so just aim to write this much words and during your practice sessions count all your words so that you can make an estimate of your words by just looking on the sheet.

Now let’s talk about the factors according to which the examiner gives you marks.  The first factor is cohesion in this the examiner sees the flow of your task whether it’s in a flow from beginning to end and your answer satisfies the demand of the question or not.

Next thing is your sentence structure use variety of sentence structures only simple sentence will not work. Examiner also give grades on your grammar accuracy the less your grammatical error more you score. Vocabulary also plays a vital role for increasing your score. When you make a complete package of all these factors then only you can score good bands.

How many words for IELTS Writing?


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