How many words should I say in the IELTS Speaking Test Part 2?

How many words should I say in the IELTS Speaking Test Part 2?
How many words should I say in the IELTS Speaking Test Part 2?

How many words should I say in the IELTS Speaking Test Part 2?

IELTS speaking test takes 10-12 minutes to complete. This test consists of three parts which starts with the introductory part in which the aspirant is asked some introduction questions and few casual questions. This part is followed by cue card in which candidate is given a topic and 1 minute is allowed to prepare it and have to speak for 2 minutes on the assigned topic. During this part examiner don’t interrupt you anywhere until you are going to hit your time limit i.e. 2 minutes. Last part is follow ups in which examiner ask some questions related to the cue card.  

In IELTS speaking test part 2 (cue card) plays an important role in enhancing your scores so it is very crucial to use the given 2min effectively to convey your thoughts and logic. Also do not be in a rush. Get some tips for cue card.

In this part many aspirants get confused as they don’t understand How long or how many words should I speak in the IELTS speaking test part 2 (cue card)? As I have already told that there is no word limit in IELTS speaking test but you have to speak at least 2 minutes to achieve good band scores. Here are some other valuable tips that can help you to score 7+ in speaking.

1. Speaking test always starts with an introduction part and there are some common questions in it. Like your name, what you do and where you are from. So, you can prepare for it easily. While delivering the answer makes sure you construct your sentences confidently and should not sound like a school kid.

2. Some examiners can ask you about your family and friends. So be prepared for surprises and remember your answer should be elaborated to 2-3 sentences or of 15–20 seconds. For some tips for elaboration click here.

3. As you have no control over what the examiner will ask you as it can be anything, so keep yourself calm. Even if you get the toughest topic in your bucket and you know less about it, try to answer it with full confidence.

4. In your practice sessions try to touch most common world problems, current affairs, recent judgment etc. So that you don’t find anything new in the exam.

5. Keep an eye on your rate of speech. Normally when people get nervous their rate of speech increase as a result they miss words and even pronounce words incorrectly and worst of all examiner can misunderstand.

6. Speak slowly, clearly and without swallowing words.

7. You should not use fancy words either to show your vocabulary. Unless you are sure about the word’s meaning, it’s pronunciation and where to use it.

8. Mostly no sensitive topic is given by the examiner. If anyhow such topic comes for be careful of what you communicate. Do try to force your opinion on them or make a dramatic judgment on something. Be polite and try not to take any sides.

9. Mirror is your best friend so practice talking before it. This will help you know how your body language is, expressions are if you think you are lacking somewhere modify accordingly.

10. Do not lie about anything. Don’t go with any details about you or your interests or travel etc unless if it’s true. Example: If you claim reading books is your hobby, prepare to answer questions on who is your favorite author/genre, to name one favorite book, have enough information to even provide a summary of the story, quote names of characters from that book. Unless you are really a reader it’s tough to give this much information and fake passion.

Hope this tips will help you to enhance your speaking scores. Please share your views and suggestions in comment section.

How many words should I say in the IELTS Speaking Test Part 2?


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