How to attempt IELTS Writing Task 2

How to attempt IELTS Writing
How to attempt IELTS Writing

How to attempt IELTS writing task 2

Now let’s try and understand what is essential to write in IELTS Writing Task-2. There are few tricks which will help you enhance your writing skills. 

Step 1 – Understanding the demand of the question:

Read the question twice so, that you fully understand the what examiner is asking for. Lack of understanding of question and not answering what is asked will decrease your score. IELTS questions are precisely worded and they require a specific answer. Time spent reading the question and understanding the requirements is time well spent. It is the surest way to ensure that you answer the question well.

IELTS is very specific and it is not okay to write about the general topic. Instead it is advisable to be very specific and pointed.

Common errors

– Not understanding the question

– Your essay is too general and doesn’t answer the question that was asked.

Step 2 – Plan your answer well:

You must think before planning your essay. You need to carefully before writing your answer, read the question and decide how you can answer it using your language skills, your experience, and your knowledge.

Of course the essay that you have previously written may offer you some insights, vocabulary and even ideas, but make sure that what you use applies without doubt to the question which has been asked in the exam. It is as important that you consider parts of previous essays to include in the answer as it is to know what parts to exclude.

Writing the essay

Every essay should have three parts, so it is useful to consider each part of the essay as a step in the process of essay writing.

Step 3 – Focus on Introduction

The introduction is an important step in the writing process. It sets the tone and gives the examiner the first impression of your skills and abilities, so if you get the introduction wrong you could start off on the wrong foot.

The introduction should link your answer to the question. You should, therefore, write the introduction considering both the question at hand and the body of the essay that you plan to write.

Step 4 – Developing ideas and approaches

In approaching the main body of the essay, you must ensure that answer that you give is not only clear, and accurately answers the question, it must also be coherent and well-structured. Divide your essay up into paragraphs that explain just one idea per paragraph. Ensure that you explain how your ideas relate to the question.

Step 5 – Conclusion – Summarizing your Idea

Before you write your conclusion, you need to read through your essay so that you are sure that your essay is complete and coherent. Your conclusion should round off your essay and complete it. It should summaries the main points in the body and reflect the connection between the introduction and the question. A good conclusion is written in as much less words as possible.

Step 6 – Read your essay again:

It’s ok to make mistakes as while giving exam we all are under so much pressure and stress. So, it’s advisable to read your essay again to find mistakes. Unlike research papers or essays written as homework, you only get one chance at writing the exam essay. It’s a good idea to read your essay in between intervals as leaving it till the end might not be a very good idea as you can be late to rectify your mistakes.

Thank you for Reading this article 😊


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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