Basically, IELTS test includes four modules, namely Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. In general, LRW is conducted on one day, while speaking exam is conducted another day

As speaking test is an informal conversation between an examiner and applicant, which takes only 15-20 minutes. In spite of this, IELTS test givers find it arduous, one of the prominent grounds behind it is, nervousness. By which, students become unable to give their best. That is why, today we are discussing HOW TO AVOID MISTAKES IN IELTS SPEAKING and will give you some useful tips and tricks for avoiding the silly mistakes, which can affect our band score adversely.

First of all, if you have already done enough practice as well as you have sufficient knowledge about the requirement of four parameters then there is no need to take worry about the test along with scoring.

1. Don’t be panic – take a good sleep at night before examination day, because it will aid you to relax and fresh your mind while conducting an interview with test taker. Without any qualms, you will be able to concentrate on your speaking. On the other hand, if you don’t take a proper rest then your facial expressions and mood can describe, which is not an affirmative embodiment.

2.  Healthy diet – on the day of examination, take healthy breakfast especially strong coffee, as it is the fact that after drinking coffee, you will feel more active, by which could be able to present yourself in an effective manner. Apart from it, eating a dark chocolate is also considered fruitful, since it helps to combat the anxiety level.

3. Be Optimistic by ignoring supplementary worries –it is very common that students take a lot of stress of their IELTS speaking, because it is conducted in a practical way with examiner, who may be native speaker of English language, while in LRW, exams are conducted in written manner without any human interaction. Thus, they feel trauma. But there is need to comprehend the purpose of the exam.  Follow some infringements and stipulations:

(1) Be formal in looking but informal in speaking –it is renowned proverb that FIRST IMPRESSION IS LAST IMPRESSION. So, try to dress up formally, neither strong perfumes nor high heels nor any make up.

(2) Way of speaking – by dint of having an informal exam conversation, just speak smoothly, don’t rush while speaking. Speed should be normal, neither too fast nor too slow. Listen question carefully and apprehend the demand of the question. Along with try to give relevant answers, sometimes, students go out of the topic. Ignore just silly mistakes. Even if there is need to clear the question statement, you can say

Could you repeat the question please? There are some other ways to ask the examiner to repeat the question.

In case, any word is hard nut to crack and you don’t understand then it is better to ask that

Could you paraphrase the question please? Rather than giving wrong answer. Don’t worry, there is not any adverse effect on band score.

(3) Don’t argue with examiner – as it is very common that examiners confuse the applicants by contradicting in answers especially in the part 3 that is follow-up. Therefore, clear your point of view in an effective manner, even you can repeat or rephrase your answer to make it clearer. Most importantly, don’t change your point of view after giving once. It can prove a pessimistic symbol mainly when you want to get 7+ scoring.

(4) Don’t think about the perfection of ideas – examiners just want to check our eligibility of speaking IELTS, not our general knowledge. Thereby, don’t waste your precious time spells for thinking about the perfect ideas that can make your thinking pauses.

At the end, by adopting such simple tips, you can achieve your desire scores.

Thank you😊


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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