How to enhance your ideas in IELTS speaking part – 3 answers

How to enhance your ideas in IELTS speaking part – 3 answers
How to enhance your ideas in IELTS speaking part – 3 answers

How to enhance your ideas in IELTS speaking part – 3 answers

IELTS speaking part 3 is a cause of stress for many aspirants as this part is the follow up part of cue card so they think that after answering the cue card they will not have enough matter or ideas to explain in part 3. This is the time you can put your elaborated views and thoughts about the cue card in front of the examiner.

In part 3 the examiner will ask for your general thoughts on an issue; pros and cons, how the given condition has change from past or how it will change in the future. To answer these questions you have to think in depth about every daily common issue that come in front of you. If you start thinking about it you will find easy to answer the questions.

As there is no word limit in the speaking part 3 but the ideal answer is of 3-4 sentences. You should wind your answer in this limit else the chances of going out of task will increase as you will lack of relevant material.  

Ways to extend your part 3 answer

1. Question Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing means to repeat the question using synonyms but the sense of the sentence remains the same. Paraphrasing the question is the best way not only to extend your answer but also to get some time to think about the question. 

2. Explain why

Why is the biggest weapon that can be used to elaborate your answer? When you give any statement don’t hesitate to explain why you think or feel like that. If you think that the examiner knows everything about the topic, you are going on a wrong track just explain your views and feelings.

3. Give Examples

An example also plays a vital role to stretch the answers and also enhance your score but it is normally seen that the students don’t give any example in speaking test. Make habit to put an example in your speaking this will make your answer more effective.

4. Use phrases:

Many test takers use phrases like I am not sure about the topic, but I would say……

 This is a difficult one; let me think for a second.

 These types of phrases can be used to take some extra seconds to think on the subject but it should not be repeated again and again once or twice in the entire test is okay but not more than that.

5. Good Pace: 

Maintain a good pace in the IELTS speaking test as it is normally seen that the students turns speedy in order to show their fluency but this is wrong. When your speed goes up the chances of wrong pronunciation also goes up. Moreover, you sound stereotype which is not good for your marks.    

On the other hand, if you are too slow than the examiner will lose interest in your content. So you should maintain average speed, this will not only help you with your pronunciation but you will also get time to retain your ideas in the back of your mind.

Unique Idea:

You should have your own ideas and view for every question and it should not be copied from any source. Easy way to approach this method is just go with the idea which comes first in your mind after hearing the question. If you follow this you will get unique idea as well as lot of matter to speak.

Last but not the least practice a lot as practice makes a man perfect.

Now get practicing.



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