How to Greet the Examiner in IELTS Speaking test

How to Greet the Examiner in IELTS Speaking test
How to Greet the Examiner in IELTS Speaking test

How to Greet the Examiner in IELTS Speaking test

As it is said that First impression is the last impression so it is very important to make your first impressions good on the speaking examiner as it really counts. Many aspirants don’t know or sometimes get nervous while entering the room and forget to wish the examiner or make some mistake which can spoil the first impression. So, the objective of this article is to help you to make first impression the best. This will give you a good start and lay a foundation for your good performance for the IELTS speaking test on exam day. Before the exam starts the examiner greets you, introduces him or herself and generally try to make you feel more comfortable to set the tone of the speaking exam. Here are some tips which can help you to feel more comfortable when you’re starting the exam:

1. The way of greeting the examiner is very important. Make sure that you smile when you greet him. The greeting should be according the time of the day so you should say “good morning”, “good afternoon” or “good evening” as appropriate.

2. You should wait until the examiner doesn’t offer you a seat to sit down. In some cases students may be tempted to stand beside the chair and ask the question “Please can I sit”.

3. Always remember while requesting the examiner you should use “may” instead of “can” as “can” is a word of authority. So the correct phrase is “Please may I sit”. When you are offered a seat, don’t forget to say thank you.

4. In the starting of the ILETS speaking test the examiner will ask your name, don’t say my name is. Native English speakers always use a contraction when answering such a question. So, you should say “My name’s ………” He will then ask questions such as “Are you comfortable?” “Can we commence the Speaking test?” For this questions make sure that you answer these questions in a polite way and in full.

5. This prelude to the exam is all about getting comfortable and making the first impression on the examiner. It gives the examiner time to get to know you a little better, finding out whether you work or study, and what your interests are.

6. After the introduction session, the examiner will ask some questions about a topic which may include sports, television, hobbies or the weather. This will be the first part of the test and the questions will be general and the answers should also be general. Make sure that you answer correctly in complete sentences.

7. Your pitch of speaking should not be too fast. The examiner will face problem in understanding what you are saying and even he can skip some words. On the other hand, speaking slowly gives you more time to think and the chances of committing mistakes will be lesser.

8. Your nervousness is shown by the speed of your speech. More you get nervous more your speed will increase. If you speak continuously without any pause it will be more difficult for the examiner to understand you. So it is necessary to make some pauses to allow examiner to better understand you.   

9. Listen the question patiently and let the examiner finish the question. After he finishes his question understand the demand of the question and then reply, don’t just jump before the examiner complete his question. 

10. Remember- start with a greeting and a natural smile. An artificial smile will impress no-one. If the examiner asks your name answer him properly. Be confident and positive during the exam.

Besides, there are some more facts about IELTS speaking test that you should know for this click here.

With Best Wishes!

Thank You @~~


How to Greet the Examiner in IELTS Speaking test
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