How to Improve IELTS Academic Writing Score

IELTS Academic Writing Score
IELTS Academic Writing Score

How to Improve IELTS Academic Writing Score

Writing test of IELTS is the most difficult and most of the students lose their score in this specific module. This module lack behind because the students don’t know much about what and how to write. Today in this article we will discuss How to Improve IELTS Academic Writing Score.

1. Avoid providing to many details

Some students write more than the given word limit because they explain every detail, describe the every number which are given in the task 1. By doing this your report will be wrong and it will limit your scores. The task is to summarize the information. So try to explain just little bit information which is enough to complete the word limit.

2.  Time constraints

You have only 60 minutes to finish both tasks and the allowed time is just not enough time. So, you will require some good time management skills. For managing your time, first of all you should split time between task 1 and task 2. And the usual recommendation is to spend 20 minutes on task 1 and 40 minutes on task 2 because task 2 is longer and it contains 2/3 of your final writing marks and task 1 weight only 1/3. So, that’s what most people do but I know that you really want to spend a bit more than 20 minutes on task 1. To solve this problem you should complete your task 2 first then you should move on task 1. If you finish task 2 less than 40 minutes you can dedicate a bit more than 20 minutes on task 1. So, try to follow this method.

3. Practice, practice and practice

I know that writing essays is a pain in the neck but if you don’t practicing at home and only listen to all the tips and tricks of writing this would not help you so you have to practice writing essays. For the practice, find the difficult essays topics and write on them at home because you all know that, practice makes man perfect.

4. Count your words

Everyone who’s preparing for the IELTS knows that in task 1 you need to write 150 or 180 words but in task 2 you are going to write 250 or 280 words. Actually, many people think about choosing words of the topic arguments and different things during the exam. They do not write as many words as they should and think, who cares if my essay is 250 or 240 words. But you are wrong!! If your essay is too shorter than IELTS examiners will penalize you. If you write a short essay you will not get more than 5 bands so make sure that you write enough words. As you all know that you don’t have enough time to Count your words because it consume more time and students have shortage of time in writing module. So what you can do?? You should start practice at home by writing your essay on official answer sheet. You can get this official answer sheet on the internet take its print and practice. By practicing on this sheet you can know how long your essay should be without counting either words or lines during the exam.

5. Give the specific answer

Most of the students are not sure about their answer what they should write or not. They just write without thinking about the demand of essay. They write the whole essay but they are not sure either the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or not. Due to this, your band scores get declined. You should be very clear that your answer will be specific and direct.

6. Keep referring back to your question throughout your essay

If you go off track and rate something that’s not 100% relevant to the question then you lose your points. So while you write your essay keep reminding yourself what the question is about. First finish the first paragraph then move at the question does it again and again in whole task. It’s not a waste of time it’s a way to get high score for your task response.

Thank you:-


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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