How to organize IELTS Writing Task 2 Body Paragraphs

How to organize IELTS Writing Task 2
How to organize IELTS Writing Task 2

How to organize IELTS Writing Task 2

In the IELTS writing task 2 body paragraphs play an important role in enhancing the band score as in this paragraph you express your most valuable ideas. So if you want good score then you have to work on it. From the body paragraphs examiner judge your Cohesion and coherence so you need to organize it carefully. In this article we will discuss how to organize the body paragraph to get 7+ bands in writing.

A Paragraph should consist of: A well structured paragraph consist of 4 elements given as below:

Topic Sentence

The sentence which presents the topic of your paragraph is called topic sentence. It is the first sentence of the paragraph. It should be clear, by reading it one can understand what is going to come in the below paragraph.

Supporting Details

You should support your topic sentence or main idea by some supporting points in this you should give reasons for your view. We can say these details are the back bone of your main idea and will justify your topic. After the supporting details add a relevant example.


Transitions are very important in moving from one idea to another. It makes the essay well structured and guide the reader in following the logic of your argument.


A paragraph should be complete in all sense as it should be consist of one central idea 2-3 supporting ideas and a conclusion sentence, and all this things on the whole reconnect with the thesis of the essay.

Organizing your Body Paragraphs

A strong and well organized paragraph needs a unique idea with strong supporting points followed by a relevant example. All the things should go in a logical manner.

Generate Ideas

The most essential thing for the essay is an idea which is unique and strong. First of all generate an idea which is relevant to the topic given and which can be explained easily then give some reasons to support it which you think can proof your answer right.

Plan – One Idea, One Paragraph

After generating ideas choose some of the strong and unique ideas from it. Keep in mind there should be one paragraph for one idea so it is recommended to choose 2 or 3 as if you go for the 4th one you will run out of time.

Explain Your Ideas

As already told choose the ideas which can be easily explained or have high volume of matter to write. Explain your view by following these question what does your idea mean? How does the idea answer your question? What is a reason why you think so? What is the result of the claim?


It is not always necessary to sum up with the conclusion sentence as you have to write the conclusion at the end of the essay. So make the end of the paragraph with completeness and leads the way to the next paragraph.


How to organize IELTS Writing Task 2 Body Paragraphs
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