How to perform well in IELTS Speaking part-3 (Discussion Round)

How to perform well in IELTS Speaking part-3
How to perform well in IELTS Speaking part-3

How to perform well in IELTS Speaking part-3 (Discussion Round)

As you know that the part 3 of the Speaking is based on the part 2. You will be asked to discuss questions and you have to give your answer in a more conceptual manner moving away from the more familiar parts 1 and 2 topic areas.

This article is for the students who find alot of troubles to answer the part 3 Questions in a detailed way, as they contradict themselves with the examiner.

This part 3 mainly focuses on your ability to express your thoughts and justify opinions and to analyse, discuss and speculate about the concerns . The examiner will assist you do this by asking you questions that will explore the topic area in more depth.

For instance, part 3 questions will be the general discussion about education, if your long turn is about your teacher .

Look at the possible part 3 discussion areas related to the long turns you practised in the part 2 article.

The part 2 contains topics like….

Something you own that is important to you.

A holiday you really enjoyed tourism; holiday destinations; leisure time and travelling.

However, how the topic area moves away from the personal and towards the abstract.

Part 3 is your chance to show the examiner that you can discuss general topics about what is being asked.Rather than talking about yourself, you can use the following phrases to extend the discussion in a more general way.

•In my nation, most people believe that……

•If I compare my country to Australia, they way we (celebrate, eat, travel, work) is much different…….

•The local societies in my country…….

•From my perspective,if I take my country as a example….

•I have seen this happen in my city and it’s a biggest concern. To deal with the problem, one should…..

Use linking words and phrases.

As we mentioned in our article on discourse graders, we use words and phrases to connect ideas and to express how we feel about what we are saying. We also use them to think about what to say next fillers correctly to sound natural in our delivery.

Don’t use the meaningless fillers (um, eh, oh, ahhh, err…) Along with this, avoid using repititive use of fillers (yeah, like, you know )

Instill the ability to extend your answers in part 3

If you have the opportunity to discuss the topic more deeply, apply some speech functions that put great impact on the examiner.

  • Expressing your opinion
  • Agreeing or disagreeing with something
  • Looking at the merit and demerits of something
  • Giving reasons for your opinion
  • Giving examples to support your opinion
  • Describing the situation in your country
  • Thinking about the future
  • Assessing the significance of something
  • Asking the examiner for clarification or to explain something
  • Suggesting solutions
  • Comparing and Contrasting

It’s very essential to show the examiner that you are willing to discuss the topic, so preparing for the interview by studying numerous topic areas is very useful. Nevertheless, most topics are of general nature and will suit all test takers. Your examiner will explain a term to you if you ask, so be ensure to check the meaning of a word if you don’t understand the question.

Use a wide range of grammatical sentences.

If you can keep speaking about a topic, this shows that you have access to a wider range of vocabulary and Grammatical structures required to express yourself.

•When you have to describe the situation in your country – Present, perfect, past.

•Thinking about the future_-conditionals (if), future (will/going to) modal verbs (may, might, should, could)

•Suggesting solutions – Conditionals, modal verbs .

•Comparing and Contrasting-comparative structures

How to perform well in IELTS Speaking part-3

#Have a look at the following script,

Here is Anushka, who comes from ‘Malaysia, is answering questions about the ‘famous personalities’. Note the range of tenses she uses and the wider range of vocabulary to support her answers.

Examiner:- Let’s consider first of all famous people in your country, In Malaysia, what kind of people become famous?

Anuradha:em…. In Malaysia, definitely the political leaders and also some actors and actresses are very popular among……. Malaysians.

Examiner:- So, what about in the past, is that same as in the past where politicans and actors always….??

Anushka:- I think definitely in the past, if you’re talking about the fifties and sixties, um movies were the number one communication tool between villages or towns . Thus, the people surely knew actors and actresses better than the politicans. Compared to present, you have TV and news where people follow politicans’s personal life more than an actor or actresses.

Being able to access more than one or two words on a topic is vital to a successful performance. For example, Anushka uses a wider range of vocabulary that has idiomatic meaning [number one | to follow someone ] and correct collocation [Communication tool | politician’s personal life] to express herself more clearly.

Look at the mind map above, which shows Vocabulary and phrases related to the topic “Famous people”.

Mind maps word in the way your mind should work. Linking ideas and language to the topic, so you can naturally extend your answers.

Give proper explanation of your answer by which examiner feel satisfied with your answer and have no need to ask you ‘WHY’ and contradicted you.


How to perform well in IELTS Speaking part-3


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How to perform well in IELTS Speaking part-3 (Discussion Round)

How to perform well in IELTS Speaking part-3

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