How to Write an Overview for scoring 7+ in IELTS writing Tasks

How to Write an Overview
How to Write an Overview

How to Write an Overview for scoring 7+ in IELTS writing Tasks

Writing overview in an effective manner helps you to score more in IELTS writing tasks. It is the most important part in the whole essay, graph or diagram and if not written properly it can contribute to lose scores. Many of the test takers don’t understand the statement of the task and not able to write proper overview, it is important to understand what the question is demanding.  So today we will discuss How to Write an Overview for scoring 7+ in IELTS writing Tasks.

What is an overview- It is a simple summary of the main or most important points in a graph, essay, chart, process or map. Normally it is 2-3 sentences long and should be the second paragraph of your essay. It has a deep impact on what you write in the rest of your essay or report.

Let’s start learning a good overview which can help you to score more than your desire.

What does the examiner want? 

To write an impressive overview it is mandatory to know what the examiner see, notice and want in your overview.  It is first thing that an examiner looks for because it helps them to know that either you are capable of identifying the most important information from the graph, essay, chart, process or map.

So here are tips on to write a good overview:

– Always try to write two sentences. This helps you to describe two main or general features of a graph, essay, chart, process or map.

– Avoid putting any numbers or details in overview. You should inculcate details for your ‘details’ paragraphs.

– If in the graph or chart there is a time period given (e.g. years), look for the overall change from the beginning to the end of the period (e.g. from the first year to the last year).

– Look for main idea, and ignore individual figures that don’t fit them. For example, if there is a rising trend in the given graph and a specific year with decreased figures you can ignore that specific year. Save the decreased year for your ‘details’ paragraphs.

– In case, there is no time period is given, so you can’t look for trends. Than look for differences and similarities between items.

– Don’t try to identify the individual ‘highest’ or ‘lowest’ figures such as a ‘peak’ on a line graph. Instead, describe the highest and lowest items overall (e.g. which line on the graph was the highest for the whole or most of the period?).

– Always start overview with a simple phrase that clearly indicates that this is your summary paragraph to the examiner e.g. It is clear that… , It is noticeable that… , Overall we can see that…

– If there are two different charts, write one overview sentence about each chart.

– If there are more than two charts, they must be connected in some way, so look for two main features overall.

– If the task is to describe a diagram or map that compares things, you can mention the main differences and maybe the number of differences and / or similarities between the two diagrams.

– If the task is to describe a process diagram, you can mention the total number of stages in the process and say where or how the process begins and ends.

Beside overview there are several other factors that influence your score so here are some tips regarding them.

With Best Wishes!

Thank You 🙂


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