How to write Two-Part Question in IELTS Writing Task 2

How to write Two-Part Question in IELTS Writing Task 2
How to write Two-Part Question in IELTS Writing Task 2

How to write Two-Part Question in IELTS Writing Task 2

For some test takers two part question in IELTS writing task 2 is a Hercules task as they find it difficult to identify and perform this task. Today in this article we will discuss on this topic and try to give some tips to make it easy.

How to Identify IELTS Writing Two-part Question Types

As it is clear from the name of the question type (Two Part Question) that you will be given two questions in a statement and you have to answer the both. For example, In education and employment, some people work harder than others. Why do some people work harder? Is it always a good thing to work hard?  In this question you have to answer for Why do some people work harder? And also for Is it always a good thing to work hard? For this we suggest to follow the below given structure: 

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Structure – Two-part

The structure for two part essay is :-

I. Introduction
II. Body paragraph 1 First Question
III. Body Paragraph 2 Second Question
IV. Conclusion

Below, we will detail how each paragraph should be written.

Introduction – Usually 2-3 sentences are needed for this paragraph. You should start the paragraph by paraphrasing the question that is given to you. Paraphrasing helps you in many ways first you will not have to wonder how to start the essay and it also gives you the path to follow the theme of essay. Moreover, it gives you the chance to show your treasure of synonyms and vocabulary to the examiner .After paraphrasing you should introduce you topic that you plan to discuss in the upcoming essay.

First Question – In the body paragraph 1 you should discuss the first question in 4-5 sentences. You should give detail of first question than your view with explanation and an example to support your main point.  

Second Question –  In the second paragraph you should answer the other question in 4-5 sentences and the structure remain the same as in the paragraph 1 .i.e. detail of question followed by explanation and example at last.

Conclusion – It is the last paragraph of the essay in which you have to wrap the whole essay. It should be of 2-4 sentences and should start from summary of the main point and then the recommendation or prediction. Always remember you are not supposed to introduce new ideas or information in this paragraph.


Relax before you read and fully the question

The most important thing to remember is not to panic just relax. It is common, to get nervous in the exam and if you feel so, just take a deep breath and relax for 10-15 seconds to make your mind stable.

Read the question with calm mind understand what the question is demanding from you make a plan in your mind or on a paper for your answer then start writing.

At last I will say practice a lot before going to the exam.



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