Know How You Can Improve Your IELTS Score: Follow These 4 Tips

How You Can Improve Your IELTS Score
How You Can Improve Your IELTS Score

Know How You Can Improve Your IELTS Score: Follow These 4 Tips

Every month thousands of students appear in IELTS exam and majority of them appear for third or fourth time in order to improve their scores. Even after attempting for many times aspirants don’t succeed in scoring their desired scores or stuck to the normal score of 6 bands. Have you ever thought about the reason behind it? Inspite, there are several institutes who provide IELTS training and thousands of teachers are available to train for IELTS exam and every aspirant get enrolled with them to seek their guidance. Even though the result is negative, only few clear the exam in first or second attempt. Today we will discuss some most important yet basic tips that even IELTS mentor don’t  discussed with students which can boost your score to 7+ in IELTS. Let us know How You Can Improve Your IELTS Score: Follow These 4 Tips.

 Information Flows in Same Order in IELTS Listening

Let’s start with IELTS listening module there is a misconception in many students that  information in the audio conversation may be flowing in any order of questions and they practice for the listening test according to it. This is the main reason, why many test takers get stressed and are not able to concentrate well on the audio, thus they either skip the audio or lose the required information. So, make sure that your concentration flows with the order of the questions written in the listening test paper and in this way, you would never skip any part of the audio. Some tips that can help you to score 8 in listening.

You Find Answers in Same Order in IELTS Reading

Coming to the Reading module the case is same here as in listening. Some students are also not sure whether they would find the answers from the passage in the same order of the questions or not. Due to the lack of awareness of the most essential thing, students usually go through the whole passage hence, waste their time. Instead of this, if they try to find answers one after the other in the passage, they would not only save time but would find the answers correctly as well. Improve your reading scores by these tips.

Writing Free from Grammar Error Boosts Score in IELTS Writing

In writing tasks students score 6 or less than 6 bands the major reason for this is that they don’t bother about the key element of IELTS Writing module and that is grammar. Students understand the demand of the question and even answer it relevantly, but due to some silly grammar mistakes they score less. If you are one of them who are struggling to score at least 6 Band, make sure you write grammatically correctly. If you want to improve your band score from 5 to 6, you should learn grammar, tense and correct sentence structure. More tips for scoring 7+ in writing.

Practicing by Recording Your Voice Really Helps in Improving Score in IELTS Speaking

For IELTS speaking we will suggest you to record your voice and listen it to find errors and work on them. It is a common conception that for practicing IELTS speaking test one need a speaking partner for face to face conversation and is the only way to prepare in the speaking exam in IELTS. But there is another way out to improve your speaking skills and that is this is self-practicing. Record your voice during practice sessions on any sound recorder on phone or on the computer and listen to your recorded voice to analyse your mistakes, and then try to control all those mistakes in your next attempt. This is one of the practical solutions in improving band score in IELTS speaking. For more tips to score 8 in speaking click here.


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