IDIOMS – Part 19



IDIOMS - Part 19

In the red- The business is not making any profit and so is losing money.

Sentence- The business is in the red as they expanded too quickly and their overheads are too high.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Read between the lines-To understand something that may not be entirely clear.

Sentence- Read between the lines, work out what is not being said at the meeting and sort out the problem.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Uphill battle-  There are many obstacles to sort out before we achieve what we want.

Sentence- There is an uphill battle to win the contract.

IDIOMS - Part 19

No time to lose- Something must be finished very soon

Sentence- He has no time to lose as his project is due in first thing tomorrow morning.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Word and mouth– News which spreads very fast as people tell other people the same news.

Sentence-   The news spread by word and mouth that the new hotel was very successful.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Throw in the towel– To give up, leave or quit.

Sentence-   He threw in the towel and left his job as he was unhappy.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Absence makes the heart grow fonder—  Being away for a while from someone or something makes you miss/appreciate that person or situation.

Sentence-  Absence made his heart grow fonder and he realised he missed her terribly.

IDIOMS - Part 19

A watch pot never boils–  A situation or event can take far longer than expected.  Don’t keep watching for developments.

Sentence-  A watch pot never boils when you are waiting for something to cook more quickly.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Better late than never– It is better to finish something no matter how long it takes to do.

Sentence- He finally finished the paper.  Better late than never as it was due last month.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.-Finish what needs to be finished today rather than tomorrow.

Sentence- Don’t put off until tomorrow – finish the project today.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Good things come to those who wait-Be patient.  Good will come out of the situation.

Sentence- Good things come to those who wait.  Your promotion will come soon.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Birds of a feather–  People who are like minded often spend more time together.

Sentence-Those two are birds of a feather.  No wonder they meet so often.

IDIOMS - Part 19

There is no time like the present– Do what you want to do now.  Do not put off until tomorrow.

Sentence-  There is no time like the present. You need to finish your project and you have the time to finish it now. 

IDIOMS - Part 19

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it–  If something is already or still working, leave it as it is as it is still working.

Sentence- If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, the car still works so do not buy a new one.

IDIOMS - Part 19

There is no such thing as a free lunch– Everything has a hidden cost.

Sentence- There is no such thing as a free lunch.  He wants you to invest in his Company.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Practice makes perfect–  Keep practising and you will become better at it.

Sentence- You will become a great tennis player. Practice makes perfect. 

IDIOMS - Part 19

When in Rome, do as the Romans do– When you are doing something new, act like others do in that situation.

Sentence-   Try eating English food when in England.  When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Laughter is the spice of life, laugh on (also known as laughter is the best medicine)– Laughing can help us get through a difficult time in our lives.

Sentence- Laughter is the spice of life, laugh on and we will help cheer you up.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Don’t judge a book by its cover– Do not be quick to judge a person or a book –  you might like the person more than you think you will/you may enjoy the book more than you  expected.

Sentence-  Don’t judge a book by its cover.  The book is excellent and I recommend that you try reading it again.

IDIOMS - Part 19

Honesty is the best policy– Telling the truth is always the better option.

Sentence- Honesty is the best policy.  Tell your manager you made a mistake.


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