IDIOMS – Part 25



IDIOMS - Part 25

Debase – make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance

Sentence- Agit-poppers convinced themselves that rock was archaic and debased, no longer capable of functioning as a medium for radical comment.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Decry – express strong disapproval of

Sentence- Critics who decry regulatory costs are dismissed as deluded apologists for corporate rapacity.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Deferential – showing courteous regard for people’s feelings

Sentence- Until she won their trust their manners were deferential, identical to the old-fashioned manners of her own youth.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Demure- shy or modest, often in a playful or provocative way

Sentence- But the demure look toward the floor, the disclaimer with the hands often as not look faked when seen

IDIOMS - Part 25

Deride – treat or speak of with contempt

Sentence-You should not deride children for their failures; you should encourage them to try again.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Despot – a cruel and oppressive dictator

Sentence- He’s a local despot , stopping at nothing in doing evil.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Diligent – quietly and steadily persevering in detail or exactness

Sentence- The discovery was made after years of diligent research.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Elated- exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits

Sentence- Cantor was elated; a potentially devastating situation was about to be defused.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Eloquent- expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively.

Sentence- Justice Brennan offered an extraordinarily eloquent and diplomatic response.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Embezzle- appropriate fraudulently to one’s own use.

Sentence- His pickers embezzled one pound in twenty and disguised the weight loss by throwing the wool on to wet stones.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Empathy – understanding and entering into another’s feelings.

Sentence- That’s why Empathy created the first skincare range specially for women over forty.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Enmity-  a state of deep-seated ill-will.

Sentence- Such actions increased the enmity between the two groups of black activists and led to more conflict.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Erudite –having or showing profound knowledge

Sentence- Gregarious, erudite and energetic, Brezzo could never be accused of thinking in small, ordinary ways.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Extol – praise, glorify, or honor

Sentence- All the writings that extolled the role of Mary were ultimately excluded from the canon.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Fabricate – put together out of artificial or natural components

Sentence- The main behavior is as follows, fabricate the false bill, intend to expand or narrow the objective fact, increase and decrease the cost wantonly, make up profit, etc.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Feral – wild and menacing

Sentence- Her feral body takes its own route, grinding, convulsing, swallowing.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Flabbergasted – as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise

Sentence- Doctors said they were flabbergasted at the decision to close the hospital.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Forsake – leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch

Sentence- Doctors said they were flabbergasted at the decision to close the hospital.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Fractious – easily irritated or annoyed

Sentence- The opening scenes of this fractious heist movie see him at his most acute.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Furtive – secret and sly

Sentence- With a furtive glance over her shoulder, she unlocked the door and entered the house.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Gluttony – habitual eating to excess

Sentence- The traders performed astonishing feats of gluttony never before seen at Salomon.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Gratuitous – unnecessary and unwarranted

Sentence- In living-rooms throughout the country, violence, gratuitous and graphic, is often the staple diet of the video generation.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Haughty – having or showing arrogant superiority

Sentence- If he attempts to talk to you, you will flick him a haughty glance and say nothing.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Hypocrisy – pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not have

Sentence- I challenged him on the hypocrisy of his political attitudes.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Impeccable – without fault or error.

Sentence- The furnishings and paintings had been chosen with impeccable taste.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Impertinent – improperly forward or bold

Sentence- By now he had gotten used to reporters’ impertinent questions about his private life.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Implacable – incapable of being appeased or pacified

Sentence- While the implacable opposition of Gen Aoun is the main obstacle in his path, there are plenty of other difficulties.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Impudent – improperly forward or bold

Sentence- Not withstanding a single impudent win by a mountain biker in 1989, it would appear that the subject is now closed.

IDIOMS - Part 25

Incisive – demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine


Sentence- Her ability to combine ravishing description with incisive analysis was outstanding.


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