BEST IELTS General Reading Practice Test 171

BEST IELTS General Reading Practice Test 171


IELTS General Reading Practice Test
IELTS General Reading Practice Test



Making a Complaint

From time to time, we have employees who have the need to make a complaint about something that happens here at work. This is something that we take very seriously and so we have created a process that you can follow, so that you know what to do if there is something that you need to complain about.

IELTS General Reading Practice Test

First of all, it’s usually best to deal with a complaint informally. If you feel you can, speak to the person or people who are involved and try and work out an amicable solution. If that does not work, then a further stage can be tried. Speak to your line manager (if the line manager is involved, speak to the line manager above him or her) and explain. He or she will try and resolve the problem with the people involved. We find that nearly all the problems within our company get solved with these informal procedures.

If the above two strategies do not work, you must begin the formal process of making a complaint. Our complaint procedure requires that a complaint should be made in writing and submitted to a member of the senior management. These people are clearly indicated on the company website. Employees should make clear the nature of their complaint, what they have already done informally to solve the problem and what would be their preferred solution. Employees must also supply their company email address.

IELTS General Reading Practice Test

Once an official complaint has been made, the company grievance procedure goes into operation. The senior manager will review the complaint and write an email to the employee who complained before the end of twenty-four hours. The senior manager will explain how he or she will handle the complaint. Before the end of a week, the senior manager will write an email again with his decision. The employee can choose to accept or reject this decision.

If the employee rejects the decision, he or she can appeal to the general manager, who will have been previously made aware of the complaint. The appeal should again be done in writing. The general manager will instigate a complaints meeting, where the employee can give his position verbally and in writing. The general manager and two other senior managers will listen and discuss the issue. Again, within a week, the general manager will send an email with the decision.

If the employee still does not accept the decision, he or she can appeal again to the company director. If the director feels the appeal has merit, the case can be referred to an independent mediator. The employee and company must agree in writing before the mediation meeting to abide by the mediator’s decision.

This is the end of our complaints procedure.

The managers involved are required to keep a written record of what happens during any complaint procedure. It is advised that employees do the same.

IELTS General Reading Practice Test

Questions 15 – 20

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

IELTS General Reading Practice Test
IELTS General Reading Practice Test

Read the text below and answer Questions 22 – 27.

Using your Computer Safely at Work

As we use computers here a lot in our company, we are very well aware that misuse of these devices can cause problems for the users. Computer workstations or other equipment can be associated with repetitive strain injuries (RSI’s) in the neck, shoulder, back or arms, as well as with fatigue and eyestrain.

Support your back. Avoid back pain by adjusting your chair so that your lower back is properly supported. A correctly adjusted chair will reduce the strain on your back. Make sure you have one that is easily adjustable, so that you can change the height, back position and tilt. Have your knees level with your hips. You may need a footrest for this.

Adjust your chair. Adjust your chair height so that you can use the keyboard with your wrists and forearms straight and level with the floor. This can help prevent RSI’s. Your elbows should be by the side of your body, so that the arm forms an L-shape at the elbow.

Rest your feet on the floor. Your feet should be flat on the floor. If they’re not, ask if you can have a footrest, which lets you rest your feet at a level that’s comfortable. Don’t cross your legs, as this can cause posture-related problems.

IELTS General Reading Practice Test

Place your screen at eye level. Your screen should be directly in front of you. A good guide is to place the monitor about an arm’s length away, with the top of the screen roughly at eye level. To achieve this, you may need to get a stand for your monitor. If the screen is too high or too low, you’ll have to bend your neck, which can be uncomfortable.

Using the keyboard. Leave a gap of about 100mm – 150mm at the front of the desk to rest your wrists between bouts of typing. Your wrists should be straight when using a keyboard. Keep your elbows vertical under your shoulder and right by your side. Some people like to employ a rest to keep their wrists straight and aligned with the keys.

Keep your mouse close. Position and use the mouse as close to you as possible. A mouse mat with a wrist pad may help to keep your wrist straight and avoid awkward bending. If you are not using your keyboard, push it to one side if using the mouse a lot.

Avoid screen glare. Your screen should be as free of this as possible. If it’s on your screen, hold a mirror in front of it to identify the cause. Position the monitor to avoid glare from overhead lighting and sunlight. If necessary, pull blinds across the windows and replace ceiling lighting with table lights. Adjusting the screen’s brightness or contrast can make it much easier to use.

IELTS General Reading Practice Test

Working with glasses. People with bifocals may find difficulties with computer work. It’s important to be able to see the screen easily without having to raise or lower your head uncomfortably. If you can’t work comfortably with bifocals, you may need a different type of glasses.

Questions 21 – 27

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD from the text for each answer.

21. Using a ……………. can help workers keep their knees and hips aligned.

22. Workers who ……………. their legs can suffer from difficulties with their posture.

23. Workers should think about buying a ……………. , so that their computer screen is at eye level.

24. Some workers use a ……………. , so that their wrists are at the same level as their keyboard.

25. Workers should push away their …………… when they are frequently using the mouse instead.

26. Stopping bright sunlight getting through the windows can reduce ……………. on workers’ eyes from the computer screens.

27. Using ……………. may result in workers putting their heads in awkward positions too often.

IELTS General Reading Practice Test



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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS General Reading Practice Test








IELTS General Reading Practice Test




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