BEST 5 IELTS Listening Tips – Solve Common Mistake

IELTS Listening Tips
IELTS Listening Tips

BEST IELTS Listening Tips – Solve Common Mistake

Overcome Usual Mistakes of IELTS Listening 

Whenever, you start doing listening you may feel scared for what you are going to listen and fill in the answer sheets. Sometimes, it’s difficult to maintain the speed too as the recording goes on, along with different accents in it. One point! always to be kept the in mind is recording is always played once. This is what, that makes student in perplexing situation and often they commit mistakes when they get scared. 

It would be beneficial for us if we notice the both in different ways and in two segments. It will not only clear the concerns, but will give detail with clarity on the above main discussions. 

1.Listening To The Audio Blindly

2.Avoiding the Use of Prediction Skills

3.Losing Your Focus

4.Avoiding Distractors

5.Ignoring The Given Instructions

Common Mistakes in IELTS Listening (including tips)

1. Listening Audio Blindly

Mistake: One major mistake that students usually commit, they don’t listen to the recording properly. They don’t note the subject or purpose in the audio. 

Tip: It is advised that one should understand the context of the audio.

If you will listen it properly, than only you will get accurate answers. Must! read out instructions properly, look for clues, and determine the content of audio that you are going to listen.

IELTS Listening Tips

2.Use Of Prediction Skills

Mistake : IELTS listening test is a test that checks your understanding with listening capabilities. Candidates are so determined in listening to the audio and getting the clues, that they usually forget the clues. You should be able to predict.

Tip: While there’s pause in the IELTS Listening, in between to that you should focus on quick reading of the questions and underlining the important words which will assist to find right answers in listening. Concentrate on the key words, synonyms and paraphrases that are used. It is obvious that you will listen the moulded language or tricky conversation content. So, use this tip to overcome mistakes. 

3. Losing Concentration

Mistake : – Another mistake students commit is that they don’t stay focused, if they skip any answer. They just loose their focus in finding answers that they face difficult. It might be possible that you may face dilemma just because you left any of the previous questions. 

Tip: Just stay calm! Don’t get panic. If you skip one question by mistake it will not cause much effect on your marks, but if in confusion regarding to that question, this will not let you  to solve another one. Don’t stay stick to one passed question, you can fill that with an educated guess too. Move further to fill accurately the other answers. 

IELTS Listening Tips

4. Avoid Distractors 

Mistake : Distractors are oftenly used in IELTS Listening to trick you. Those are the wrong choices with the correct answers that appear correct, which may misguide or confuse the candidate. But in IELTS listening you must pay attention to the particular one’s. 

Why it is important? 

It’s because that means the answer is hidden somewhere nearby. 

Tip : One should listen attentively so that the trick of distracting you should not be applicable in your listening task. You must be attentive to pick out distractions that are poping up in listening. You can face distractors in various types such as in MCQ’S, table, map and somewhere in summary too. 

IELTS Listening Tips

5. Ignore the given instructions 

Mistake : IELTS listening start with some sort of instructions. Well, you should not ignore these but you may also don’t put specific attention too. 

These are for informing you to get ready for listening to the audio. But you should focus on the limit of words and the use of numbers and for that you should pay attention towards the instructions. 

These are the useful points that IELTS candidates should focus while attempting IELTS LISTENING.


IELTS Listening Tips


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BEST 5 IELTS Listening Tips - Solve Common Mistake

IELTS Listening Tips

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