Best IELTS Marking Scheme – IELTS Writing and Speaking Marking Criteria

IELTS Marking Scheme
IELTS Marking Scheme

IELTS Marking SchemeIELTS Writing and Speaking Marking Criteria

IELTS Marking Scheme

Students find difficult Writing and Speaking module difficult in IELTS and unfortunately most of them score low in these modules. The main reason for low scoring is that they are not familiar with the marking criteria of them as a result they don’t focus much on the fields they must do. So, in this section we will discuss IELTS Writing and Speaking Marking Criteria.


In the IELTS writing test there are two tasks that is to be done by you Task 1 Report (Academic Test) Letter (General Tests) Task 2 Essay (Both Academic and General Test). Now talking about the marking criteria the marking is based on the basis of 4 criteria which are explained below:


The content you write to response the topic should be as per the demand of the question. You should not get off the track if you are asked about a function then you should only write about the function and not about festival as if you wrote about festival then your scores will be deducted. Moreover, you should write in a way that your message can be conveyed to the examiner properly and he can understand your ideas and views easily. You can get 8 band scores only if the examiner will understand your content and also stick to the word limit i.e. at least 150 words for task 1 and 250 words for task 2.


In this criteria it is expected that you write the answer which can be easily readable in terms of structuring the sentences. You should use some uncommon connectors and a unique content which must be well organized. All these things are necessary if you want to get an 8 band score.


IELTS Marking Scheme

If your target is to get 8 Band you have to use wide range of vocabulary in your writing tasks. Keep in mind that if I say you to use a good vocabulary and not to repeat the same words again and again it doesn’t mean that you use any word which comes in your mind. Use the word which is appropriate to the sentence and should be used in appropriate manner.


Grammatical Rage and accuracy is another factor of marking criteria. To satisfy this criteria it is necessary to use variety of sentence structures which should be grammatically correct. The examiner looks for the grammar used in the sentence framed is appropriate. So for scoring 8 Bands you should have a good hand in Grammar. Minor mistakes can be ignored to some extent but if you do more than your scores will suffer.


IELTS Marking Scheme

IELTS Speaking is a one to one interview with the examiner which goes for 12-15 minutes. During this time examiner will ask you some questions which are divided in three parts. Part 1 will be the introductory part than comes the cue card and at the end the examiner will ask some follow up questions. Like writing, Speaking performance is also checked on the basis of 4 criterias.


In the speaking test, you should be able to speak confidently without hesitation, and in the speaking test mainly the fluency of the test taker English language is measured, and if the test taker is able to speak English fluently without stammering then he will have chances of getting 8 band score in the speaking test.


As in writing here also the examiner expect you to use variety of vocabulary or complex words. You should also use idioms but make sure that you explain the original meaning of it. Fluency is must for scoring well in speaking module as if you speak fluently without taking any thinking pauses the examiner can get impressed and give you 8 bands.


In this the examiner will check either your speaking is well structured or not. So to score 8 in Speaking it is mandatory to use variety of sentence structures and deliver them fluently


It is also the factor that influences your scores. If the candidate is able to pronounce all the complex words during the test correctly, he has high chances of getting a high band score.

Good luck!


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