7 Easy Steps to get a higher band score in the IELTS Speaking exam

IELTS Speaking exam
IELTS Speaking exam

7 Easy Steps to get a higher band score in the IELTS Speaking exam

IELTS Speaking exam is a one to one interview with the examiner. This can be a game changer as it can enhance your overall scores. You can easily score 7+ by following these 7 Easy Steps to get a higher band score in the IELTS Speaking exam.

1. Try to use idioms

Let’s first make it clear that idiomatic language is the abroad term which includes phrases, idioms, collocation, turns of phrases. Some student find list of idioms from the Google and use it in speaking instead of focus on how native use idiomatic language. You can notice that idioms are quite rare in their speeches. But the candidates try to use several idioms under one answer. Hence to maintain the balance native use phrasal verbs more often than idioms and it is a good for you because it’s also count towards idiomatic

2. Practice with mirror and record yourself

To check the expressions and voice you should do practice in front of mirror because mirror reflects your original personality and help to boost the confidence. You should put some question by own and notice your expressions when you speak.

Apart from this, try to use recorder to record your voice on phone. Firstly, set timer then start speak and record your voice. Make sure your voice is full with confidence.

3. Don’t speak too fast

You don’t have to speak fast in order to get high score in speaking. You need to show the examiner that you can speak freely on any topic so you need to maintain this even pace throughout the exam and if you think that it may be more difficult for you to talk on certain topics. You should start talking more slowly from the very beginning because some people speak fast and some very slowly so you can pretend that you are a slow speaker and from the very beginning when you say “hello”……. Just start talking a bit more slowly to maintain your fluency.

3. Give open answers

It may be difficult to find what to say. By trying to say at least a sentence of two sentences for each questions in part one. For example, the examiner may ask you do like your voice and if you just say oh I’m not sure, I guess yes. it’s too little answer. But i understand the question is difficult but still try to say “oh gosh I have never thought about it before I guess I do but he can say is first time I heard my voice in a WhatsApp message I was really surprised.” so try to given open answers in this way.

4. Linking words

As per the criteria for assessment, a suitable aspirant for Band 7 will be able to use linking words and connectives flexibly. Use expressions such as although, however, on the other hand, in other words, and more. Your range is what will get you noticed. The examiner does not want you to say the same thing again and again. Record your speech and identify whether you are repeating any phrase a little too much. Consider replacing the same with another sentence. Linking words will always get you better scores.

5. Be Loud and Clear

It is not compulsory to use complicated words or long sentences to appear like someone knowledgeable. Speak the way you are comfortable with, the way you speak generally. Your discomfort can permeate through your body and make you nervous.

6. Control your attitude towards the test

You are able to control your attitude and emotions in any situation of life as including speaking test.

My biggest advice would be to work on your own mindset first. I noticed that most of the student fails in this test just because of too nervous and anxious even with nice English. So, take it as a simple talk with smile, confidence, friendly, and natural.

Natural speech is really what the examiner is on the lookout for. So try to speak naturally as possible because the examiner does not want the too mechanical answers Even though grammar is accurate. This mean you have to listen how native English speaker talk in daily basis. Note down how they do it. There is a lot to it such as intonation, pronunciations, Accent, vocabulary, grammar. And you should read and listen these sentences because they add many ups and downs in their speeches. So try to speak like them.

7. Never give short replies

Don’t give one words or one sentence reply. Most of the candidates give answers just in sentence like “yes I am or I like it. It’s totally wrong. You should aim expanding the answers as much as it’s acceptable. Because examiner ways the range of sentence with full of synonymous, vocabulary and sequencing ideas they wants to know how you managing the coherence, how you expand the idea and how much you able to speak. It’s just not possible when you answer in single sentences. So try to give a appropriate answer with complex sentences.

Thank you:-


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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