BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th January

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th January


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th January
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th January



What is your full name?

My name is Kulpreet Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Kulpreet.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Tell me about the place you are living in.

Well currently I live in an apartment in downtown Hanoi. It’s quite a bustling area with a lot of shops, offices and quite a big park just around the corner from my house. You can also find people from all walks of life around the area.

Do you know a lot of people there?

No, not really. I know just a couple of people who live in my building, but otherwise I don’t really know anyone.

Do you like your neighbours?

Sure. I mean we don’t meet each other very often or anything but they all seem to be nice, friendly people.

How often do you drink water?

I drink a lot of water every day. Probably I drink between 2-3 litres a day, depending on how hot it is, or how much exercise I have.

Do you often drink bottled water or tap water?

Well, unfortunately tap water is full of chemicals that are harmful to your health, so I never drink it. I only drink filtered water that comes in big plastic containers.


Describe an occasion when you got up very early.
You should say:
• when it happened  
• why you got up early    
• who you were with  
And explain how you felt about getting up early. 


Like many other young people, I don’t have the habit of waking up early every day, only for special occasions. Last weekend, I and a group of my friends decided to go on a trip to the mountainous area of Vietnam called Mu Cang Chai. We had to leave very early in the morning so that we did not get stuck in the traffic. In addition, we would have more time to spend there.

It wasn’t easy to get up early in the morning, because I had been so excited about the trip that I had barely slept that night. I had never been to Mu Cang Chai before. It is located in the northern part of Vietnam, so I knew that we faced a long drive ahead. We had decided to go by car since, that way, all 5 of us could travel together. Moreover, everyone reckoned that it would be safer than going by motorbike. / Waking up early did not feel that bad at all, even though it was the first time I had done so for many months. To begin with, I felt a bit sleepy, but then the pure morning air freshened me completely.

After 5 hours driving, we arrived at our destination. We were amazed to see a vast land filled with the yellow color of terraced rice fields, ready to be harvested. Under the sunlight, these rice fields sparkled like gold.

We stayed for one night with a local host and helped the family with their regular tasks before setting out for home the next day. It was such an amazing trip, and it helped us to learn more about the countryside and the way of life of those who live there. I’d love to make more trips like that in the future.


In what kinds of situations should people arrive early?

According to my point of view, there are a plethora of occasions when a person ought to have arrived very early such as in an examination, interview, meeting and so on. When people arrive easily on their destination, they could feel comfortable with the situations or conditions which perhaps help them to perform better.

When do you think people should arrive on time?

As I have told you before that in interviews, meeting, examination, appointment and so on occasions, the human being has to arrive on the time.

Why do people need to be on time?

Well, according to my point of view, folks should be on time in order to prevent from being late for an interview, appointment, examination and so on. That’s why people should arrive on time.

Do you think doing nothing means a waste of time?

Well, when a person has free time then he or she can do anything such as reading a book, listening to music, hang out with friends, shopping, learning language and so on. But sometimes, when a human feels fatigued or tired then he could relax as well as take a nap and this not a waste of time.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 5th January


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