IELTS Speaking Tips 2022: How to Perform Best in the third Part Discussion

IELTS Speaking Tips 2022
IELTS Speaking Tips 2022

IELTS Speaking Tips 2022: How to Perform Best in the third Part Discussion

Third part in IELTS Speaking generally takes four to five minutes. The questions in part three are connected to that part 2 talk.  Part 2 is a cue card in which you have to speak for 2 minutes and these questions of part 3 are broader and bit deeper. To answer them accurately you should know some tips for third part. So, today we will discuss IELTS Speaking: how to perform best in the third part discussion.

1. Answer question directly

Don’t start by saying something even more general in order to spend some time because you will get off the topic and you are going to lose cohesion. Also you will forget about the question when you are trying to make your answer more difficult.

2. Give valid reason

To elaborate the follow ups you should give appropriate reason why you believe in that way. Examiner always wants something new in your third part. So don’t try to add the same reason which you already describe in your cue card. Also you need to add the relevant answer and elaborate it accordingly. If you give wrong answer then examiner starts cross questioning with you. Then you will be confused and don’t able to give valid answer.

3. Add some linking words

In IELTS speaking you need to add natural linking words because it helps to connect the Iines and helps to maintain the fluency.  Linking words are like the glue that sticks your sentences together. It helps you to connect your sentences and ideas effectively. So that the examiner can understand you clearly. Linking words also known as connectors and cohesive devices. There are some speaking linking words that you should use:-

• linking words meaning: firstly

It means kick off, first off, foremost, from the outset, also, thirdly, fourthly, lastly you can use these words to give answer in sequence wise.

• to add the more reason after explaining the first one. For this you can add also, in addition to this, moreover, one more reason is.

• to add the comparing information you should use however, while,  on the flip side, to the opposite,  although, instead of this, in the another words.

• when you are going to your opinion in third part or you are going to say about your own thinking about the topic then you can add honesty speaking, I agree with this question, I disagree with this , yes ,exactly, no definitely not and so on.

4. Don’t explain memorize answer

The best way to lose your scores in IELTS Speaking is to give the memorized answer because if you deliver memorize answer and if the examiner notices that you are sort of speaking funny and thinks you have memorized an answer.  They are going to change the subject so it is good to not memorize the answers of third part. Because, you will probably have a lot more difficulty if you do. It’s better again to spend your time learning vocabulary, practicing speaking with your friend by doing debate on topics. Don’t worry about the mistakes because you also learn something new by mistakes.

Hope these above said tips will help you in achieving your desired scores.

Thank you :-


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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