Best IELTS Speaking Tips – Exam Tips

IELTS Speaking Tips – Exam Tips

Keep these points in your mind while going to IELTS Speaking Interview, with the help of these points, You can Score High in IELTS Speaking Test.

Build a good impression in the examiner’s mind during the speaking test:

Think about:

  • Making a ‘cooperative connection’ with your examiner by working together and building a friendly relationship.
  • Singing the ‘song’ of the test by echoing the features of native speaker speech as far as is possible.
  • Being active – silence is not golden!
  • Dancing the ‘dance’ of the Speaking test by following the rhythm of each part of the test and being sensitive to the time pressures that the examiner must manage and how you might add to this pressure.
  • Relating to the examiner in a friendly, polite but mutually respectful way.

Impress and connect with the examiner during the Speaking test:

At the beginning

  • Keep your passport or test ID ready.
  • Don’t say much unless asked; just smile and look pleasant.
  • Look interested and connected, not tired or tense.
  • If your first name is difficult to say, offer the examiner a simpler one to use.
  • Be friendly and polite, when asked for your name and passport.

 In Part 1

  • Keep in step with the time (max, 15-20 seconds per answer) and maintain the rhythm of your response to each question to make the examiner feel comfortable.
  • Don’t use memorized answers – they sound unnatural and are easy to spot.
  • Don’t be frightened to ask for a question to be repeated if you don’t understand it.
  • Put ‘life’ into your voice and ‘mirror’ the volume and ‘music’ of the assessor’s voice.
  • Extend your response – don’t just ‘echo’ the words in the question in a brief reply.
  • Be natural, be yourself.
IELTS Speaking Tips - Exam Tips
IELTS Speaking Tips – Exam Tips


  • Use the listed points on the topic card to structure your notes (or thoughts.)
  • Be systematic by talking about each of the points on the topic card – the examiner expects this.
  • Make your talk fluent, personal and varied; use your voice and eyes well – connect!
  • If you finish before the two-minute period is up, let the examiner know.
  • Respond to the ‘rounding off’ question briefly so the examiner doesn’t feel time pressure before Part 3.


  • See yourself as an equal and use a natural style of interaction because the examiner may respond to your responses and share the discussion a little.
  • Develop your answers using varied sentence connectors to built flow.
  • Do not discuss in short, staccato sentences – they make you sound uninterested.
  • Use examples from your own life if they help you to extend your opinions fluently.
  • Stay friendly without being too distinct or too friendly.
  • Avoid long silence or constant hesitations.
  • Build precision into your explanations of words or ideas.
  • Use opportunities to paraphrase and extend your ideas or opinions.
  • Use ‘vague’ language very occasionally – it can sound more natural.
  • If your examiner offers a comment, be friendly and respond to it.

At the End

  • Just thank the examiner and say goodbye politely and briefly.
  • Do not be too polite – it may seem false
  • Be brief, because examiners are busy and under time pressure.
  • Do not ask questions about your performance after the interview.

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