IELTS Vocabulary – Part 121

IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Drive a Hard Bargain: To arrange a transaction so that it benefits oneself.

Sentence – Sal is known to drive a hard bargain, so I doubt you’ll get that car for the price you want.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Drive a Wedge Between: Try to split factions of a united group by introducing an issue on which they disagree.

Sentence – I used to be close friends with Tiffany, but once she started dating my ex-boyfriend, it really drove a wedge between us.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Drive Someone Up the Wall: Deeply irritate someone.

Sentence – A week on vacation with my relatives is enough to drive me up the wall.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Drop a Line: To write a letter or send an email.

Sentence – I know you’ll be busy enjoying yourself, but please, drop me a line on your trip.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Drop the Ball: Fail to fulfill one’s responsibilities; make a mistake.

Sentence – I know I dropped the ball today—I just got swamped at work and completely forgot about picking the kids up from school.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Dry Run: A practice execution of a procedure.

Sentence – Let’s do a couple dry runs of your speech so you feel totally comfortable with it for tomorrow’s ceremony.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Dutch Courage: Alcohol drunk with the intention of working up the nerve to do something.

Sentence – Joe gets into a lot of fights when he drinks, and I suspect that Dutch courage is to blame.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Dutch Uncle: A highly critical person.

Sentence – Tom is talking like a Dutch uncle to his prospective father – in – law.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Dyed-In-The-Wool : Consistent in an affiliation or opinion over a long period; inveterate.

Sentence – He’s a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist where cooking is concerned – he won’t have any modern gadgets in the kitchen.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Eager beaver: The term eager beaver refers to a person who is hardworking and enthusiastic, sometimes considered overzealous.

Sentence – Ask young Harry to do it — he’s still an eager beaver and wants to impress by his willingness.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Eagle-Eyed: Having sharp vision.

Sentence – One eagle-eyed passerby noticed that the window was slightly open.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Early Bird [noun or adjective]: Someone who does something prior to the usual time, or someone who gets up early.

Sentence – Early bird discounts are usually available at the beginning of the season.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Eat Crow: To admit one was wrong, and accept humiliation.

Sentence – Our neighbor had to eat crow yesterday. he’s been telling us what a good tennis player he is. Well, he took my 12-year-old son out to play and the kid beat him three straight sets.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Eat Humble Pie: To admit defeat or error, to accept humiliation.

Sentence – After boasting that his company could outperform the industry’s best, he’s been forced to eat humble pie.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Eat Someone’s Lunch: Defeat someone thoroughly.

Sentence – I’ve been practicing really hard because I refuse to let my nemesis eat my lunch again.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Eat Your Heart Out!: (excl.) Go ahead, be jealous.

Sentence – I feel just awful for Mary—she’s been eating her heart out ever since she found out she was rejected by her top-choice school.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Eighty-Six (v.): 1) Discard, eliminate. 2) Throw someone out of a bar or store.

Sentence – The boss hates this guy and wants us to 86 him.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Elephant in the Room: A major problem that no one is talking about.

Sentence – We all sat sipping our tea quietly, no one wanting to bring up the elephant in the room about Joel’s expulsion from college.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 121

Elevator Music: Pleasant but boring recorded music that is played in public places.

Sentence – Sorry, but this sounds like elevator music to me. Let’s put on some real jazz.

IELTS Vocabulary


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Vocabulary

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