IELTS Vocabulary Part – 144

IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Second – immediately after the first and before any others.

Sentence – Schools help to acculturate the second generation of immigrants.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Temper – the tendency to become angry very quickly.

Sentence – His boozing, arrogance, and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Immobile – not moving or not able to move.

Sentence – He stayed immobile, trying desperately to identify where he was and to recall how he had got there

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Mobile – moving or walking around freely.

Sentence – The Party has been unable to attract upwardly mobile voters.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Hearsay – information that you have heard but do not know to be true.

Sentence – Education commences at the mother’s knee, andevery word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Pattern – a particular way in which something is done, is organized, or happens.

Sentence – Most of Manhattan is laid out in/on a grid pattern with avenues going north-south and streets east-west.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Homicide – murder.

Sentence – The 1977 Homicide Act introduced the notion of diminished responsibility, which reduces a charge of murder to manslaughter.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Incidentally – used before saying something that is not as important as the main subject of conversation, but is connected to it in some way.

Sentence – Incidentally, this means that we can use mitochondria to trace our ancestry, strictly down the female line.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

To condemn – to say what the punishment of someone who has committed a serious crime will be.

Sentence – He would have felt it demeaning to condemn this world utterly without first paying a visit to the vicinity of its ruler.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Devil – an evil being, often represented in human form but with a tail and horns.

Sentence – He should have a long spoon that sups with the devil.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Passable – possible to travel on.

Sentence – The recent rain made the little stream passable and the water was very swift, shallow and rocky.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Contented – happy and satisfied.

Sentence – The myth of happy and contented animals down on the farm is now far from the truth.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Dilute – to make a liquid weaker by mixing in something else.

Sentence – There was a clear intention to dilute black voting power.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Prosperous – successful, usually by earning a lot of money.

Sentence – The once prosperous town has hemorrhaged manufacturing jobs over the last 15 years.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

To fabricate – to invent or produce something false in order to deceive someone.

Sentence – In this project, students will fabricate composite materials using different high performance fibres and lay-up designs.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Reasonable – based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical.

Sentence – The company’s commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Idler – not working or being used.

Sentence – Track roller, carrier roller, idler are mounted with long life well sealed – cone floating ring – floating ring seal.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Mandatory – Something that is mandatory must be done, or is demanded by law.

Sentence – It is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Suppress – to end something by force.

Sentence – The government tried to suppress the book because of the information it contained about the security services.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Dossier – a set of papers containing information about a person, often a criminal, or on any subject.

Sentence – The investigation officer would then prepare a full dossier to be sent to both sides prior to the hearing.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Lucid – clearly expressed and easy to understand, or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly.

Sentence – After finishing, she became lucid, recognized Jung, and greeted him.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 144

Complete – to make whole or perfect.

Sentence – He said that dowsing for water is complete nonsense.

IELTS Vocabulary


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Vocabulary

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