IELTS Vocabulary Part – 181

IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Immature – not behaving in a way that is as calm and wise as people expect from someone of your age.

Sentence – The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Artful – clever and skilful, especially in getting what you want.

Sentence – Some politicians have realised that there are more artful ways of subduing people than shooting or jailing them.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Practically – almost or very nearly.

Sentence – There is a place in London that supplies practically everything for left-handed people.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Conscious – aware.

Sentence – The invading force, conscious of their numerical inferiority at sea, decided on an airborne attack.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

To arrive – to reach a place, especially at the end of a journey.

Sentence – To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Apparent – able to be seen or understood.

Sentence – Nowhere is the effect of government policy more apparent than in agriculture.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Crook – a very dishonest person, especially a criminal or a cheat.

Sentence – The police are going to get these guys, by hook or by crook.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Unvoiced – voiceless.

Sentence – When you have a word ending in an unvoiced consonant, you will notice that the preceding vowel is said quite quickly.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Negligent – not being careful or giving enough attention to people or things that are your responsibility.

Sentence – not being careful or giving enough attention to people or things that are your responsibility

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

To differentiate – to show or find the difference between things that are compared.

Sentence – In the children with colonic contractions, fasting motility did not differentiate children with and without constipation.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Inferior – not good, or not as good as someone or something else.

Sentence – If children were made to feel inferior to other children their confidence declined.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Win – to achieve first position and/or get a prize in a competition, election, fight, etc.

Sentence – Don’t try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others ‘heart through appropriate ways.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Hold – to take and keep something in your hand or arms.

Sentence – I count religion but a children toy, and hold there is no sin but ignorance.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

To nominate – to officially suggest someone for an election, job, position, or honour.

Sentence – Both parties have also agreed that they will nominate representatives to begin discussions on setting up a community liaison committee.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

To near – to approach.

Sentence – This process was brought to near completion by the Warren Court in a series of cases through the 1960s.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

To impact – the force or action of one object hitting another.

Sentence – Some particles, however, do not evaporate completely and survive the entry-heat to impact on the Earth’s surface.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Charter – a formal statement of the rights of a country’s people, or of an organization or a particular social group, that is agreed by or demanded from a ruler or government.

Sentence – Certain towns were allowed to hold weekly markets, by royal charter.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Eccentric – strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way.

Sentence – Geniuses are supposed to be eccentric and hopelessly impractical.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Consecutive – Consecutive events, numbers, etc. follow one after another without an interruption.

Sentence – Thanks to bitter memories of dictatorship, the constitution forbids a second consecutive term for any elected official.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 181

Morose – unhappy, annoyed, and unwilling to speak or smile.

Sentence – His morose ruminations were interrupted by Benny Katz, who wanted anyone he could find to listen to his tale of woe.

IELTS Vocabulary


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Vocabulary

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