IELTS Vocabulary Part – 233

IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

NURTURE – Provide with nourishment.

Sentence – At the very least, it explains why he run a company involved in nurturing raw talent.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

AMELIORATE – To make a bad or unpleasant situation better.

Sentence – Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects of drought.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

EXCULPATE – To remove blame from someone.

Sentence – The pilot of the aircraft will surely be exculpated when all the facts are known.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

ADMONISH – To tell someone that they have done something wrong.

Sentence – His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

MITIGATE – To make something less harmful, unpleasant or bad.

Sentence – It is unclear how to mitigate the effect of tourism on the island.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

MENDACIOUS – Not telling the truth.

Sentence – Some of these statements are misleading and some are mendacious.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

REPROVE – To tell someone that you disapprove of their bad or silly behaviour.

Sentence – The teacher gently reproved the boys for not paying attention.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

QUIESCENT – Temporarily quiet and not active.

Sentence – The political situation was now relatively quiescent.

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AGGRAVATE – To make a bad situation worse.

Sentence – The symptoms were aggravated by drinking alcohol.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

SUMPTUOUS – Impressive in a way that seems expensive.

Sentence – The celebrity guests turned up dressed in sumptuous evening gowns.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

SAGE – Wise, especially as a result of a great experience.

Sentence – He always give us sage advice.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

DISCRETE – Clearly separate or different in shape or form.

Sentence – These are small companies now have their own discrete identity.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

MUGGY – Unpleasantly hot humid.

Sentence – It was muggy last evening.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

BALMY – Pleasantly warm.

Sentence – It was balmy summer evening.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

TORRID – Very hot and dry.

Sentence – Summer in India is dry.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

SUN DRENCHED – Receiving a lot of heat and light from the sun.

Sentence – I like sun drenched beaches.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

MOLLIFY – To make someone less angry or upset.

Sentence – I tried to mollify her by giving her flowers.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

BURGEON – To develop or grow quickly.

Sentence – Love burgeoned between them.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

EBULLIENT – Very energetic, positive, and happy.

Sentence – He wasn’t his usual ebullient self.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 233

INERT – Not moving or not able to move.

Sentence – The inert figure of man could be seen lying in the front of the car.

IELTS Vocabulary


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IELTS Vocabulary

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