IELTS Vocabulary Part – 234

IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

DESERT – To leave somebody/something, usually for ever

Sentence – Common masses have deserted the countryside and moved to the towns.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

FIRM – strong and steady or not likely to change.

Sentence – Stand firm and sing on.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

HAUGHTY – Proud, and thinking that you are better than other people.

Sentence – She described the natives as very proud and haughty.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

ATROCIOUS – Extremely bad or unpleasant.

Sentence – Yesterday it was an atrocious weather.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

INITIATE – To start something.

Sentence – To initiate peace talks.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

GENEROUS – Happy to give more money, help, etc. than is usual or expected.

Sentence – She has always been very generous toward the poor.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

CEASE – To stop or end.

Sentence – Smoking in the area has now ceased.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

BLOODLESS – Very pale(cold).

Sentence – He fought for his sister bloodless battles in the courtroom.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

DEREGULATE – To remove government controls or rules from a business or other activity.

Sentence – We also need to deregulate.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

AID – Help

Sentence – He jumped into the water to aid the drowning child.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

DRIVEN – So determined to achieve something or be successful that all of their behavior is directed toward this aim.

Sentence – He was nearly driven mad by his troubles.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

AUTHENTIC – That you know is real or genuine.

Sentence – She prepared a very authentic Mexican meal.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

CLUMSY – Careless and likely to knock into, drop or break things.

Sentence – The boys are clumsy.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

BENDY – Capable of bending; soft and flexible.

Sentence – I have a bendy ruler with stick on it.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

CAUTIOUS – taking great care to avoid possible danger or problems.

Sentence – I’m very cautious about expressing my opinions in public.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

CHILLY – Too cold to be comfortable.

Sentence – The night was chilly and quiet.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

COLOSSAL – Extremely large.

Sentence – There are number of colossal buildings in this area.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

CONCUR – To Agree.

Sentence – I strongly concur with his idea.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

CENSURE – To criticize or judge in a harsh manner.

Sentence – This brought them under the official censure, and was forbidden.

IELTS Vocabulary Part - 234

ETERNAL – Happening too often.

Sentence – I’m tired off these eternal trips of every weekend.

IELTS Vocabulary


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IELTS Vocabulary

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