Best IELTS Writing and Speaking Test strategies for 2021

IELTS Writing and Speaking Test strategies
IELTS Writing and Speaking Test strategies

Best IELTS Writing and Speaking Test strategies for 2021


In IELTS writing test two tasks are given Task 1 is a graph, table, pie chart, diagram etc. for Academic and for general test it is letter formal or informal. Task 2 is an essay for both academic and general and 60 minutes are given to complete both the tasks. Word limit for task 1 is 150 words and 250 words for task 2 and this limit is same for both tests.

Appropriate writing style

As both the tasks for academic are formal and for general task 1 can be formal or informal and task 2 is formal so you should opt the writing style according to the question form either formal or informal.

Answer the question!

Keep in mind that your answer should satisfy the demand of the question so you should write the relevant information.


It’s necessary to know about every type of question so that you should not get surprised to see any question for this you should practice a lot. In exam you will not have much time to count the words so while practicing notice how much space does 250 and 150 words take in your handwriting.

Stick to the topic

Make sure you stick to the topic and provide information what question is asking for.


Now it’s turn of speaking in this test you will sit in front of an examiner and he will ask you some questions about your daily routine or some general one. This test is in 3 parts in first he will discuss some general topics and the second is cue card in which you will be given a topic on which you have to talk for 2minutes and get 1 minute for preparing. The third part is follow ups where questions regarding cue card will be asked. The duration of this interview can go up to 20 minutes.

Communicate effectively

In this test your communication skills are tested and not your general knowledge so don’t hesitate if you  don’t know about any topic.

Listen carefully before answering

Listen carefully what the examiner is asking the accordingly give the answer. If you hurried to answer then you may skip some information and you cannot ask examiner again and again to repeat the question.

Keep on talking.

Try to give long answers according to the section avoid saying only Yes or No. Especially in cue card speak as much as you can but don’t speak nonsense.

Talk well

In this test your fluency is tested so try to be fluent and put good relevant vocabulary to make your answers impressive.

With Best Wishes!

Best IELTS Writing and Speaking Test strategies for 2021


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