IELTS Writing Recommendations to Grade Well

IELTS Writing Recommendations to Grade Well
IELTS Writing Recommendations to Grade Well

IELTS Writing Recommendations to Grade Well

The Overall score of the IELTS is consolidated from four modules.

First, the introduction to IELTS will explain to you all about it . Now since you are familiar with the distinct areas in which the examiners analysis your writing skills, let’s go through some study tips to ameliorate your IELTS writing abilities.

# Say NO to informal writing pattern

Be ensure to do practice writing formally, especially for Academic IELTS. By being formal, it hints seriousness, making an impression on the graders. Avoid using abbreviations, contractions and slang words that you may use in everyday speech. Stick with formal written English for the exam as it is essential for the clarity of meaning and credibility of your response.

Use complete sentences, do not leave out any short information or ideas. There should never be only one word at the end of a sentence that stands by itself without connecting it back to an idea started earlier in the sentence. It determines a lack of thoughts on the behalf of the writer, ensuring that each phrase connects well with those around them.

# Organise your Ideas Logically

The IELTS writing section tests your skill to arrange ideas logically. If you can present your information in a vivid and logical formal, you’ll do well in the exam. You must use sentences with equal weightage, so be sure not to write everything in one paragraph or sentence as this may be confusing for the examiner reading it throught instantly. Instead, seperate your ideas and organise them into different segments.

# Watch your word count

Students who write essays on IELTS usually think they will get decent marks if they write long and have different paragraphs. The truth is that your writing skills will show what type of score you’ll receive, not how much content you have written. Thus, it’s crucial for students preparing to take IELTS and current takers to keep an eye on their word count.

You must cover the task first in 150 words and task 2 has a word limit of 250. Computer test-takers can have an idea about their word count, but it’s very daunting for paper-based exams. Therefore, practice within the word limit and know your writing style. Be careful with sentence length and vocabulary.

# Before attempting the answer, Understand the question properly

Read the question carefully and understand what it is asking you to do before answering it in detail. Read the instructions and underline or highlight keywords to instill the idea . Doing this will give a better idea to frame the answer, keeping in mind the writing section and your style of writing.

# Be familiar with the Marking criteria

Understanding the marking criteria is a vital part of preparing for the writing section. Hence, when preparing for your IELTS exam, analyse your solid areas put in the effort to better your weaker spots. Thus, all four criteria of the writing section are weighted equally, 25%each.

# Maintain grammatical range and accuracy

One of the most critical spots of the writing module is that many candidates fail to achieve the grammatical and vocabulary range. It is important to make grammatically correct sentences and to avoid the redundancy of words.

Build up your Vocabulary by making a list of words that you come across in books, movies, newspapers, magazines etc….. And using them in your writing. Develop an extensive grammar range by reading various types of English text, for instance, newspapers, short stories or novels. Practice creating with complex sentences and structures and new words to showcase your English language.

# Attempt your writing Task 2 first

As you prepare for the IELTS writing test, it is pivotal to finish task 2 first. It is because task 2 is weighted heavier and takes longer to complete. In addition, IELTS writing task 2 is the same for Academic and General tests, and writing task 1 is relatively more straightforward.

So, it is suggested to spend 40 minutes on task 2 and the remaining 20 minutes on task 1. Hence, it is good to complete writing task 2 first not to get hung up on the time constraints.

Apply these strategies in the preparation of your IELTS writing which will be fructify for you to get decent marks.


IELTS Writing Recommendations to Grade Well


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IELTS Writing Recommendations to Grade Well

IELTS Writing Recommendations to Grade Well

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