IELTS Writing Tips 2022

IELTS Writing Tips 2022
IELTS Writing Tips 2022

IELTS Writing Tips 2022

This is very important for all to score well in IELTS writing. For that you all need to learn how to minimize your errors and maximize your score. You need to follow some IELTS writing tips 2022 which are given below.

1. It is very important to have a requisite word limit. The recommended word limit in report or letter is 150 to 200 words and in essays its 250 to 280 words. So you should be strict to word limits. Some students are not able to write the enough words they find it difficult. So they should start practice before their exam.

2. Remember, your score will be judged by four parameters which are task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resources, grammatical range and accuracy.

Task Achievement (TA) it means that how well you answer the question. Is your answer relevant to the question or not. Some students just start writing the essay without understanding the statement which will affect your scores so to increase score keep the below given points in your mind regarding TA:

• You should present the information accurately

• Try to give answer of all parts of the task.

• Also, make sure that you provide a clear overview

• Try to highlight key features and support detail with data in the Academic task 1

• give a clear position, have a definite opinion in task 2 and general training task 1.

 Coherence and Cohesion (CC) = it means that how well is your text structured. To increase score for CC:

• manage paragraphing. Always try to make 4 body paragraphs. Introduction, body paragraph 1, and body paragraph 2 and conclusion.

• make sure that each paragraph has a central idea

• use linking words and cohesive devices (firstly, in contrast, thus, in my opinion, to sum up etc)

Lexical Resource (LR) is that how good is your vocabulary.

To increase score for LR:

• use a wide range of vocabulary

• use less common lexical items

• avoid errors in spelling and word formation

Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA) how good is your grammar.

To increase score for GRA:

• use a wide range of grammatical structures and tenses

• manage punctuation

• avoid errors in sentences

• So try to fulfill these basic requirements of the essay.

3.  Try to understand the questions first after that you should start writing. Take 5 minutes to make a plan and think about ideas which you are going to explain. You can also write your ideas on your question booklet. In this way you can’t face any difficulty to write.

4. Try to use more and more vocabulary and synonymous of words which will help you to get a score in lexical resources. Many applicants use the same words three or four time in the answer which shows the repetition of words. So avoid this mistake and try to find out the other words instead of repeating them.

5. Don’t use the bullet points in your answers. It doesn’t helps to get good scores. You should try to explain the ideas properly. If it is necessary than you can include an example to make it clearer and understandable.

6. Don’t try to make more complex structure if you are not expert in it. Just try to use those variations which you already know and used them before because if you try the new thing in your exam it will destroy your sentence structure. Always try to write well accurate and explain your idea clearly.

7. If you have enough data to explain in academic task1. Don’t try to explain every single point because it will across your word limit. It is not mandatory to explain everything.  You can skip anything which you don’t able to explain effectively but it just happened in task 1.

8.  Try to write the task 2 first because it contains more band score rather than task 1. So try to give more priority to task 2. When you do practice test at home or taking the mock tests on that time write the task 2 in the beginning and spend just 40 minutes on it. By doing this, you can easily manage your time during your exam.

9. Don’t do any spelling mistake because spellings are everything in IELTS exam. If you are confused to use the difficult words than don’t write them in your exam use another words or synonymous at that place.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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